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Scotch Porter Expands in Newark

2020-10-06 16:08:22| Happi Breaking News

Sets up shop downtown in the historic Walker House.

Tags: porter newark expands scotch


Inside the Innovators Mind: A Conversation with David Porter

2020-10-05 14:51:15| The Webmail Blog

Inside the Innovators Mind: A Conversation with David Porter nellmarie.colman Mon, 10/05/2020 - 07:51 � Editors note: For this segment of our Inside the Innovators Mind series, we interviewed David Porter, a principal engineer with Rackspace Technology. Read on to learn what inspires him to innovate and the kinds of demands he encounters. � Professional insight How do you find time to innovate? I believe innovation to be an iterative process the result of trial and error. I often have ideas that spring up for any given challenge, but those ideas tend to be built on a foundation of understanding of the underlying problems/systems. When a new project comes in, or when we work to improve on a given program or system, most of my innovative ideas come through discussion or tend to be practical next steps. � How do you keep up with new technologies? I tend to learn about and implement new technologies through business projects, when and where the opportunity arises. For example, we wanted to try a chatbot to aid sales chat in 2018, so I learned a great deal about such tech while implementing the options that I had available. Much of my learning is done on the job. � Who or what inspires you? Tenacity and discipline inspire me. I believe that the difference between a normal employee and a billionaire is will and determination, and that very few people are truly inspired. � What is your approach to solving big problems? Teamwork and thought go much further, in my experience, than isolation. No one can tackle the biggest problems alone. � How do you manage failure? Observe, learn and try again. Failure isnt an end, but a new beginning, in my opinion. � Getting to know you What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted, and still want, to be an animator. I love special effects and animation, and the underlying tech we have to produce such amazing material. � What do you do now? More than anything, I help people accomplish their desired goals. Whether that is through software development, project planning/management, brainstorming, or administrative tasks like getting people access, virtually everything I do is meant to help people meet a goal. I am very proud to be a helpful, useful person. � Is it what you imagined? No, I didnt imagine that I would distill my work to something as simple as being helpful, but I am very happy with the outcome. Helping others is a rewarding activity, and I feel blessed. � A day in the life Do you have a morning routine at work? What is it? The routine is somewhat in flux during quarantine, but generally: Login and work through email Review calendar and try to plan out the day Try to clear some email/tasks off my plate to set a productive tone � What types of demands do you encounter? It really varies, but I get a lot of questions about ideas, how to accomplish specific things, how to interact with other people. More and more, I am asked to help produce data/facts and to inform others. � Which roles/people do you interact with the most? How important is this interaction? I interact with many program/project managers who are responsible for systems of projects. I believe these interactions are critical so that I can help support them and their endeavors. These people tend to be the true tip of the spear, and I believe it is my job to be the best I can be for them. � What do you like about working with customers? Being helpful is what it is all about, especially when it comes to customers. Helping a customer accomplish a task in an effective and timely manner is its own reward! � Whats the highlight of your day? Smiles and laughs from other team members, especially when in celebration of a job well done! I often try to lighten murky moods in meetings, and I have no problem with flattering people when it will make a difference and instill a sense of happiness and optimism. I believe this tendency of mine is often the most valuable, helpful thing I can do. � Inside the Innovators Mind: A Conversation with David PorterMeet David Porter, a principal engineer with Rackspace Technology, and hear about what inspires him to innovate and the kinds of demands he encounters.Let our innovators put their expertise to work for you./professional-servicesStart here Professional ServicesCloud InsightsRackspace Technology StaffInside the Innovators Mind: A Conversation with David PorterOctober 5, 2020

Tags: david mind inside conversation


Yuengling Hershey's Chocolate Porter readies return with off-premise debut

2020-09-30 13:54:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

DG Yuengling & Son's collaborative beer with US chocolate brand Hershey's is making a return, this time in bottles as well as on draught.

Tags: return chocolate debut porter


Moet Hennessy's Ardbeg The Shortie Smoky Porter beer - Product Launch

2020-03-10 11:15:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Moet Hennessy's Islay Scotch whisky distillery Ardbeg has released its first beer.

Tags: product launch beer moet


Target Picks Up Scotch Porter

2020-02-04 10:33:00| Happi Breaking News

Grooming brand also adds new hair care products.

Tags: target picks porter scotch


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