04.18: Powell's City College: People of the River: Ethnohistory of the Native Cultures of the Lower Columbia
2013-03-15 18:36:48| Powells Books Events Calendar
Powell's is proud to offer a second semester of Powell's City College, a series of classes on the arts and culture of Portland taught by members of the community with expertise in a particular field. All classes are limited to 10 students. Classes will be held at Powell's City of Books. Browse all upcoming Powell's City College courses here. Or call Powell's at 503-228-4651 for information and registration. People of the River: Ethnohistory of the Native Cultures of the Lower Columbia Lewis and Clark reported the Native Americans to be "as numerous on the Columbia River as the whites in any part of the United States." The people the explorers encountered thrived in the rich environment along the river and had important traditions involving art, architecture, and folklore. Narratives and accounts from the ethnographic literature will bring into focus a picture of these people and their rich, complex societies. Tuition: $195. Instructor: Melissa Darby, archaeologist, historian, and principal investigator, Lower Columbia Research & Archaeology. Thursdays, April 18 - May 9, 1 - 3pm Register for this class.
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