Staying current on alternative fuel vehicles is affecting dealers of all types, whether that be at auto malls, selling commercial trucks, or to government and business fleets. Years ago, these dealers might have offered a few hybrids, but the list is getting long.
Dealer groups need to stay current on the technology, regulatory, and market issues behind electric vehicles, hybrids, natural gas vehicles, and other alternative fuel vehicles.
Bill Van Amburg, Senior Vice President at Calstart, the nation's leading clean transportation technology organization, recently gave a comprehensive presentation on the topic.
In this day and age of hitting the 54.5 mpg by 2025, efficiency is king turbocharged vehicles are growing in the US market and multi-speed transmissions are making a big difference. Fuel efficient trucks are gaining in interest, and low rolling resistance tires are making a real difference here.
Van Amburg also explored ethanol, natural gas, biomethane, electric vehicles, hybrids, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
Check out what this expert had to say about whats happening in retail and fleet with alternative fuel vehicles, their stability and performance, and the fueling infrastructure issues each technology is dealing with.The Article Calstart: What you Should Know about Alternative Fuel Vehicles appeared first on Automotive Digest.