Contingency feed plans: Allows for wiggle room, ensures pigs stay healthy
2024-11-14 14:21:58| National Hog Farmer
Severe weather, feed mill troubles, human error, federal regulation and equipment malfunction can derail a timely feed supply.
Category:Agriculture and Forestry
What keeps the animal feed industry up at night?
2024-11-14 14:19:41| National Hog Farmer
Workshop at IPPE to discuss hot topics and challenges for animal feed industry.
Category: Agriculture and Forestry
Lactation feeder design: What's the impact on sow bodyweight, litter performance?
2024-11-14 12:15:35| National Hog Farmer
In finishing pigs, wet/dry feeders have been shown to increase ADFI and ADG.
Category: Agriculture and Forestry