'Five-minute fine' prompts private car parks review
2025-01-13 02:08:29| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
The review aims to ensure motorists are not penalised if they are unable to pay promptly.
Category:Consumer Goods and Services
Norway on track to be first to go all-electric
2025-01-13 01:51:45| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
Nine in 10 new cars in the country are now battery-powered, and it aims to hit 100% later this year.
Category: Consumer Goods and Services
The truth behind your 10 dress: Inside the Chinese factories fuelling Shein's success
2025-01-13 00:00:06| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
Workers making clothes for the fast fashion giant tell the BBC they labour for up to 75 hours a week.
Category: Consumer Goods and Services