Flight Dynamic Engineer
2020-08-25 18:11:47| Jobs RSS
Randstad Italia spa is looking for two Flight Dynamic Engineers for a leading client company in the aerospace sector based in Rome. Activity field 1Flight dynamics analysis and mission analyses 2Satellite Orbital Dynamics Space Environment Academic professional preparation Masters Degree in Space and Astronautical Engineering, and II level Master in Space Transportation Systems. Knowledge of software for numerical computation and dynamic simulation eg. Matlab, Simulink, etc.. 1Activity description Satellite system engineering activity related to flight dynamics and mission analyses aimed to specify the requirements for satellite design and operations during lifetime. The analyses can be related to LEO, MEO or GEO missions, and they include the launch separation from launcher, the inorbit injection, the orbit raising, if applicable, and the operational orbit control during the lifetime. It is included also the analysis and definition of design requirements for mission projects that envisage the possibility of using lowthrust and or hybrid propulsion systems. Support to define for Earth Observation mission, the procedure to select and design the orbital control strategy that permits to meet the missions requirements, and to issue a document to be used as technical reference. It is requested the attitude to learn new tools for mission analysis and optimization through personal theoretical study and on the job training, in case of specific software tool requested by the customers. It is requested the attitude to follow the entire design chain, from acquisition and understanding of requirements, provided by customer, to accomplishment of the design and its final verification before launch. 2Activity description Satellite engineering activities related to orbital dynamics, mission analysis and control, including projects that envisage the possibility of using lowthrust and or hybrid propulsion systems. Definition, realization and management of the mission of a satellite, being able to follow the entire life cycle from the acquisition of the requirements coming from the customer up to the realization of the project, the launch and the support in orbit during the operational life. [ more ]
Tags: dynamic
flight engineer
Category:Transportation and Logistics