Industrial Policy Officer
2020-08-31 17:10:59| Jobs RSS
Position Reference 614 We are currently looking for an Industrial Policy Officer to work in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. The Industrial Policy Officer will support the Head of Section for Industrial Policy and Economic Analysis by addressing current entry barriers at the Guyana Space Centre CSG for new industrial players with the main objective of improving industrial competition for the CSGs contracts. Tasks and Activities The scope of work will include Support the development of customised dedicated national methodologies adapted to each Member State in order to encourage and to improve response from European industry and feed the competitive tender processes regularly undertaken by the CSG for the procurement of their activities Support regular dialogue with ESA Delegations and, if necessary, with other national institutions identified together with the Delegations to identify industrial competences and companies with potential relevance to the CSG activities, also considering that several domains of CSG contracts are not specific to the space sector Contactdialogue with the identified industry In addition to the classical Industry informative sessions provided through CSG Industry Days organised by CNES and ESA, set up and manage further dedicated information and workshop days in Europe for industries in close cooperation with the CSG and the concerned Delegations to exchange with industry on opportunities at CSG namely presenting the CSG and its facilities, describe the extraordinary maintenance and Core Launch Range Renewal CLRR expenditures and activities planned, their associated characteristics, required expertise and financial estimations, complement the information published on EMITS in the period 20202022 and beyond. These additional events may include Industry informative sessions with groups of ESA Delegations in a first phase. Set up and manage a helpdesk to support industry and in particular the new players in responding to the CNESESA Invitation to Tenders. Support networking between the potential new industrial players and the existing industrial ecosystem of suppliers in Guyana. Skills and Experience The following skills and experience are mandatory Masters degree University in an engineering, business and administration or a relevant field. Proven ability to rapidly understand and adapt to ESA specific context and environment is expected. French language knowledge reading and speaking would be valuable advantage. Past experience with ESA in relevant activities is considered an advantage, although it is not mandatory. How to Apply Looking to take your career to the next level? Interested applicants should submit their CV and Cover Letter to RHEAs Recruitment team at no later than 24092020. Preference will be given to candidates eligible for an EU or national personal security clearance at the level of CONFIDENTIAL or above. [ more ]
Tags: policy
policy officer
Category:Transportation and Logistics