Micro DC-DC Converter delivers EMI noise suppression.
2013-10-18 14:30:14| Industrial Newsroom - All News for Today
Measuring 5.7 x 5.0 x 2.1 mm, Model LXDC55KAAA-205 utilizes ferrite substrate to embed power inductor. IC can be mounted directly above power inductor coil with almost no pattern length to diminish leakage radiation noise. Providing adjustable output voltage from 0.8–3.6 V, device delivers up to 3 A with input voltages from 2.7–5.5 V. Converter is suited for cell phones, PDAs, digital cameras, tablets, WLAN, base stations, and 12 V AC/DC adapters. This story is related to the following:Electronic Components and Devices Sponsored by: Globtek Inc. - Your Power Partner...For Over 20 Years!Search for suppliers of: Integrated Circuits (IC)
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