Microwave Instrument System Engineer
2021-07-27 14:12:54| Jobs RSS
Summary An exciting opportunity for an experienced Earth Observation systems engineer to join the Telespazio UK team, working on site at ESTEC, to support preparation for future EO missions for ESA. Objective To work in liaison with a team of microwave instrument system engineers in the Future Missions and Instruments Division EOP8M for the preparation of future ESA Earth Observation missions, in particular for new Earth ExplorerEarth Watch missions, Copernicus Sentinels, operational meteorology missions, Missions of Opportunity, Fsats and Scout missions. Responsibilities Duties Typical duties for the successful candidate will include Developmentacquisition, validation and maintenance of performance assessment tools for various spaceborne microwave instruments encompassing both active radars and passive radiometers instruments. Translation of missionobservation requirements to instrument requirements improvement and maintenance of data processing tools. Performance Assessment of active and passive microwave instrument during the study phases 0, A, B1. Participation in the preparation and monitoring of instrument system and technology predevelopment studies together with industry. Qualifications Experience University Masters degree or equivalent in electrical engineering or physics Professional experience within microwave engineering or electromagnetic theory. Essential Skills A good endtoend instrument system understanding of microwave radar andor radiometers. Demonstrated experience in the theoretical derivation and software implementation of instrument performance model A good understanding of digital signal processing techniques. General understanding of the modelling of wave interactions with the atmosphere and surface scattering. Good familiarity with programming languages and computer programs such as Python, MatLAB, ADS, Excel, etc. Qualities Proactive attitude to solving problems Good English language skills Good organisational and communication skills Able to work independently and in international teams, within the boundaries of assigned tasks and in line with a stringent schedule. [ more ]
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Category:Transportation and Logistics