Navigation Signal in Space Engineering Support to Galileo
2013-10-03 23:36:02| Jobs RSS
Vitrociset Belgium is looking for a candidate with the profile described below to deploy in ESTEC Please submit applications not later than 301013 by EMAIL to Mr. Massimiliano Mazza, Head of Engineering Operations Services cc. Job Overview The Contractor shall undertake all System level activities related to the Galileo 2G Signal in Space Interface Control Document for the unclassified spacetouser navigation downlink. Any Galileo 2G PRS aspects relevant for the Contractor will be provided to the Contractor through EGEP ID70 PRS Signal Robustness. The Contractor shall participate in the System Technical Board. The Contractor shall support technical interaction i.e. Key Points, meetings as needed with the G2G Satellite study and other System related activities e.g. PRS robustness, G2G Links. The Contractor shall define the Navigation Signal Engineering tools environment and provide the Signal Tools Plan accordingly. Signal Design The Contractor shall perform all required unclassified Signal definition activities and Signal performance analyses taking into account the actual FOC payload definition and their envisaged evolution for G2G. The Contractor shall review the System and Segment level outcomes impacted by the Signal characteristics, identify problems originated or related to SIS design, and provide support to the solution of these problems also by means of the identified interaction mechanisms with other relevant EGEP activities in particular ID70 PRS robustness and ID71 Satellite study. The Contractor shall perform all required studies associated to the RF characteristics, modulation, spreading codes, correlation and correlation quality, error correcting encoding, message content, message structure and message performance of the G2G unclassified signals. At a minimum the message related studies shall address a consolidation of the G1G INAV message for enhancements at message level enhancement of message robustness, authentication, reduction of TTFF, etc. and the design and definition of a new Open Service message channel ENAV. The Contractor shall prepare the Signal design documentation for the MTR and up until the PRR. Signal Compatibility and Interoperability The Contractor shall perform System level analysis related to Radio Frequency RF compatibility and interoperability with other GNSS at Signal level. The contractor shall preliminarily assess the Radio Frequency compatibility of potential additional Galileo signal emissions Ground to Space links, Space to Ground links, Space to Space Links with respect to other systems sharing the band making use of the relevant ITU regulations and recommendations. On request by the Agency the Contractor shall elaborate technical elements required for standardisation and frequency coordination e.g. ITU, etc. or bilateral coordination e.g. EUUS Working Group A, etc.. Signal Studies The Contractor shall carry out all assessments and analyses necessary to establish and justify unclassified G2G reference user receiver characteristics. The Contractor shall establish the unclassified usersignal link budgets with corresponding justification and margin philosophy. The Contractor shall conduct specific studies related to support the consolidation of Mission level aspects on ESA request. Specific Requirements At least five years relevant experience as Navigation Signal in Space Engineer. Fluency in English language is mandatory, any other European language is an asset. Good interpersonal skills with the ability to work effectively in a diverse team environment and have an attitude to cooperation and to accomplish solutions in line with team objectives.
Tags: support
Category:Transportation and Logistics