Net Promoter Score - Q1 2013
2013-05-06 17:38:00| Telecompaper Reports
The Net Promoter Score is a customer loyalty metric. The Net Promoter Score is obtained by asking customers a single question: 'How likely is it that you would recommend our company to a friend or colleague?'. In the research brief the NPS of the bigger telecom providers in the Netherlands, both mobile and fixed providers. Not only the NPS is shown but also the split in promoters, passively satisfied and detractors. Also portrayed is the split between the type of package: single, dual or triple. The NPS of mobile phone providers and triple play providers and lastly which percentage of KPN clients recommends their provider because of one of fifteen reasons. In this research brief the data of Q1 2013 and of Q3 and Q4 2012. Data in this research brief is based on the Telecompaper Consumer Panel, which interviews at least 2,000 respondents on a monthly basis.There is a specific questionnaire on NPS that is answered by 3,500 people each quarter. The data in the graphs has a minimum sample size of n=60.
Tags: net