Home NonMetallic Materials Processes Engineer

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NonMetallic Materials Processes Engineer

2020-09-01 14:13:31| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Aurora is an established supplier of skilled manpower to ESA and in particular at ESTEC and ESAC. Aurora has the opportunity to expand our support to ESA in the domain of STM Structures, Materials, Mechanisms and Thermal Engineering. Happiness of our employees has proven key to obtaining excellent results and a client who also regards us highly for excellent service. Overview The technical support shall cover a wider range of MP expertise of the following materials classes and technologies Processing, testing, and performance evaluation of metallic materials and processes e.g. Alalloys, Tialloys, steel including their surface treatment and joining technologies. Processing, testing, and performance evaluation of polymer materials and processes e.g. polymer matrix composites including their joiningbonding technologies. Processing, testing, and performance evaluation of ceramic materials e.g. SiC and their joining technologies. Act as Project Focal Point with a nonmetallic materials and processes expert role for defined ESA projects, reporting to the Projects Engineering as well as Product Assurance and Safety Managers, including participation to Projects meetings, reviews and audits. Review Declared Materials, Parts and Processes Lists DMLs, DPLs, and DMPLs as well as RFAs, RFDsRFWs, ECPs, etc. Perform laboratory characterisation and verification for space use on spacecraft and launchers of a variety of nonmetallic materials including but not limited to ceramics, glasses, polymers, adhesives, coatings, composites and thermoplastics as well as all associated manufacturing processes. Analyse the behaviour and perform failure investigation of nonmetallic materials and their associated manufacturing processes using a variety of laboratory equipment, among others NDI, physicchemical laboratory simulation, testing and analysis, thermal analysis, chemical analysis, physical and microscopic analysis, surface analysis, spectroscopic analysis, etc. Support major NonConformances Review Board activities, perform failure analysis and failure investigation using a variety of laboratory tools including acoustic microscopy, optical microscopy, confocal microscopy, XRD, XRay, NDI etc. and drafting of related reports. Contribute to the establishment issuing and implementation of standards for the development and the procurement of space grade materials. Support the operation and regular updating of the associated management information tools and system databases, including dedicated materials and processes databases. Participate to the DivisionSection RD strategy definition and implementation, while supporting issuing roadmaps and strategic papers related to the DivisionSection disciplines. Support the preparation, issuing and management of the technology roadmaps for advanced nonmetallic materials and processes developments. Support the definition and implementation of the Research and Technology activities in the domain of nonmetallic materials, structural ceramics and related manufacturing processes and coating systems. Support the evaluation of proposals for technology RD activities on their technical merit, consistency and priorities and recommendation for ESA endorsement. Support the coordination of technology RD activities, monitoring of the procurement implementation, evaluation and reporting of the achieved results and lessons learnt to the relevant ESA Directorates and key Partners. Specific qualification requirements Masters degree or equivalent qualification in materials engineering and science, materials physics or another related field, as well as several years industrial experience preferably covering aerospace hardware and RD with strong focus on nonmetallic materials and associated manufacturing and applied processes. Familiarity with ESA Materials and processes related requirements. Understanding of space missions related requirements and capability to propose verification methods including testing, analysis, inspections. Materials laboratory handson experience related to nonmetallic materials and manufacturing processes characterisationverification and failure investigation Good knowledge about general materials test methodologies and especially experience in mechanical testing and fatigue life assessment. Experience in defining and executing test plans for materials qualification and process validation. Capability to take decisions for selection of materials and processes for space applications. Good interpersonal and communication skills. Ability to work effectively, autonomously and cooperatively in a diverse and international team environment. Fluent in the English language spoken and written. Knowledge of another European language is an asset. Legal and Security Requirements All applicants must be legally allowed to work in The Netherlands Applicants are required to provide a copy of their passport and degree certificate. Aurora will validate the Degree with the issuing University and provide evidence to ESA. Prior to issuing a letter of employment the applicant shall provide to Aurora a recent official document declaring that they are of good conduct from the country where currently resident. Location The work will be performed at the European Space Technology and Research Centre ESTEC at Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Contract The selected candidate will receive good remuneration in line with ESA Job Class. Will be registered for both social security and tax in the Netherlands. The standard working hours are 40 per week. There are 12 public holidays and an additional 30 annual days holiday. Training to improve efficiency and provide strength for future career are of course included. Aurora assist with relocation both with support and financially. Aurora contributes to a company pension scheme. To be considered for this Position Prior to 25 September 2020, please apply via our Job Application form quoting TECSTM631 as the reference. Aurora will agree conditional employment terms and conditions with candidates before presenting them by 29 September 2020, 13.00 hours.

Tags: materials processes engineer nonmetallic

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