Home Space Oceanography RD engineer M F

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Space Oceanography RD engineer M F

2021-07-06 18:13:09| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

The Environment and Climate Business Unit BU addresses the development of operational or research applications in the fields of space observation, climate, oceanography, meteorology, hydrology, ecology or all other earth sciences. The majority of clients are institutions or academics. The Environment and Climate BU markets, creates and operates products and services related to its field of activity in close collaboration with the other BUs and the support departments of CLS. She is also responsible for the strategy and coordination of the CLS group in the area of environmental and climate monitoring. Within this BU, the Ocean and Climate division conducts studies, develops products and operates services in the field of physical oceanography and climate on behalf of French institutions CNES, IFREMER, Mercator Ocean, etc. and Europeans COPERNICUS, ESA, EUMETSAT. The clusters area of expertise covers the analysis, calibration and mapping techniques necessary for transforming spatial observations and raw in situ observations into valueadded products. It includes a strong component in satellite altimetry developed for 20 years around the DUACS Data Unification and Altimeter Combination System CNES CLS processing system which generates the altimetric sea level and surface current products https duacs. cls.fr. The team includes 35 doctors and engineers, experts in oceanography, remote sensing and data processing. The altimetric context is very dynamic, with the short term launch of the new Copernicus Sentinel6 mission, the medium term of the SWOT wide swath mission and the longer term the prospect of the Sentinel3 New Generation constellation. The algorithms of the DUACS system must be revisited to take advantage of these observations and allow an increase in resolution, in order to meet user needs and promote the emergence of new applications. In order to achieve this objective, the Ocean and Climate cluster is looking for an RD engineer in space oceanography to strengthen its team. The main mission of the position is the development of innovative algorithms, applied to satellite altimetry data with the aim of improving DUACS sea level and ocean current multisatellite products, in the offshore domain particularly in terms of resolution of mesoscale signals and in complex regions coastal, poles, etc.. We are looking for a RD engineer in space oceanography M F As part of your duties, you will be involved in the following activities Improving the processing of altimetric measurements for current missions Sentinel3, Sentinel6, etc. and preparing for the integration of future mowed missions SWOT, Sentinel3NG, etc. denoising, calibration, etc. The design and development of innovative multimission topography and multisensor satellite, in situ data fusion algorithms, Scientific interpretation of reconstructed signals, monitoring of the scientific quality of the products generated, development of new validation methods, budgeting for errors, Establishing collaboration between the team and the scientific community laboratories, experts, etc., in particular through proposals for RD projects, scientific publications, or supervision of theses or postdocs, A technological and scientific watch on new sensors satellite missions or new analysis or data processing techniques, Writing technical notes, contributing to responses to calls for tenders, scientific publications, oral presentations during project meetings and or conferences. Requirements Higher education in engineering school and or a PhD with a theme related to the proposed mission, you have a first 3 to 5 years successful experience. Indepth knowledge in oceanography ocean circulation, mesoscale, high frequency signals, etc. as well as in data processing and analysis applied mathematics, signal processing, statistical analysis, deep learning techniques are highly expected. Computer fluency is essential to carry out your mission, which includes an important data processing component that requires an advanced level in Python You know how to evolve, innovate and organize yourself effectively in a context of scientific and multitasking work. Your fluency in oral and written communication allows you to have an ability to facilitate, supervise, write and present in the scientific field. Fluency in written and spoken English is essential to successfully complete your mission. We want to integrate enthusiastic, passionate and curious employees into our teams. Openmindedness, interpersonal skills, flexibility, autonomy and analytical skills are expected. Finally, if for you the team spirit is essential, you are a force for proposal, and your motivation is flawless, then do not hesitate any longer, and join us!

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