Voice Digitization - DS0-DS3 - Digitial Transmission and TDM
T1 - T3 - ISDN - SONET - Fiber and DWDM
Length 124 minutes. 63-page 8.5" x 11" softcover bound student manual.
ISBN 1-894887-29-8.
In this course, we understand the concepts, standards and technologies for transmitting voice calls using traditional techniques. We'll give you a real understanding of what "digital" actually means and how it is implemented. You'll understand DS0 and the digital hierarchy and take a practical tour of digital circuits including T1, T3, SONET and ISDN. At a high level, we'll see how voice, data and video can be integrated via TDM and channelization. Then we'll take a closer look at how this is actually done, with multiplexers, pulses and repeaters, copper, fiber optics, fiber rings and WDM.
Most of the transmission systems we have in place were designed for digital voice communications using these techniques... but they are also used for data and networking. This course provides you with the concrete knowledge of the infrastructure necessary to a full understanding of circuits and services.