This listing is linked to the complete article that was authored by Luke Johnson of Risk Capital Partners and published in a late December issue of Financial Times. Please go the link at the bottom of this listing and spend some time ingesting the entire article including the complete content of each of these traits.
Here are the 13 Traits derived by the author after 25 years observing organizations:
1. Serendipity: New ideas do not always happen through relentless application.
2. Openness to suggestions: Accidents can breed quantum leaps if we see them.
3. Teams: Scientific advances are normally made by group.
4. Kaizen: Japanese management theory which promotes continuous improvement.
5. Iterations: Not always big breakthroughs.
6. Application: Not theory or purely academic concepts.
7. Small not giant: Now more nimble, dispersed groups are winning.
8. Many disciplines: Few products are developed by one group of specialists.
9. Youth and diversity: As we age, we become cynical and resistant to change.
10. Talent: Creative individuals are essential.
11. Frugality: Lavish budgets do not necessarily guarantee better results.
12. Patience: Most important advances take years, involve much work & heartache.
13. Allowing failure: Dead ends are inevitable.
Summary: Inventing and innovating are the most exciting and risky activities in business and absolutely necessary if companies are to thrive. Culture matters when inventing ideas and delivering products and services.
The Article Thirteen Traits of a Truly Innovative Organization (Dealership) appeared first on Automotive Digest.