Use or non-use of treatment therapies for swine respiratory disease in finishing pigs
2025-01-09 22:22:14| National Hog Farmer
Live Stream Thursday, January 16 at 1 pm CT - Dr. David Baumert, Senior Technical Services Veterinarian at Zoetis Pork, joins us to discuss why producers sometimes choose not to treat pigs in need of swine respiratory disease (SRD) therapy and the implications of non-use from a performance, labor and economic standpoint.
Category:Agriculture and Forestry
Society for Range Management will host Producers Forum
2025-01-09 19:03:12| Beef
Society for Range Managements Producers Forum will feature renowned experts on regenerative grazing and soil health.
Category: Agriculture and Forestry
RAAA hires A.J. Knowles as Beef Geneticist
2025-01-09 18:59:29| Beef
AJ Knowles joins RAAAs breed improvement department as Beef Geneticist
Category: Agriculture and Forestry