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Duties rise as US GSP and MTB trade programmes expire

2021-01-05 13:40:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

US importers face higher duty rates on some products after lawmakers failed to reach a deal on a new Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB) or the renewal of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) programme.

Tags: trade rise duties programmes


US groups urge GSP trade scheme renewal before year-end

2020-12-09 13:31:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Apparel industry groups have joined more than 284 companies and trade associations calling for an extension to the US Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) duty-free programme.

Tags: groups trade scheme renewal


UK's GSP to take effect 1 January 2021

2020-11-11 11:39:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

The UK's Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) will take effect from 1 January 2021 following the end of the Brexit transition period, with plans by the government to improve the scheme to better support developing countries.

Tags: january effect gsp uks


US textile body opposes GSP expansion to apparel and footwear

2020-10-07 11:13:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) has voiced strong support for a House resolution opposing the inclusion of apparel, textile and footwear products in the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) programme.

Tags: body apparel expansion textile


Euratex calls for simplified GSP trade rules

2020-09-17 12:43:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

The European Apparel and Textile Confederation (Euratex)�has called for a simplification of the rules surrounding the Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) in order to boost export diversification.

Tags: rules trade calls simplified


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