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Wedding venues: 'It's costing me 250,000 a month'

2021-04-09 23:17:15| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Wedding industry professionals rue their loss of income as the economy slowly reopens after lockdown.

Tags: month wedding venues costing


Landlord disputes over 5G sites costing UK economy 7.4bn

2021-04-06 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

For many countries around the world, 5G is being positioned as a major factor in rejuvenating economies post-pandemic and the UK is no exception. But to generate the full economic benefits from the new technology, the rollout must be rapid and at scale, a process that is not only expensive but fraught with various complications.   One such complication is how to reimburse landlords when seeking to deploy mobile infrastructure on private property…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: sites economy disputes landlord


Elcatex Group digitises garment costing process

2020-11-04 15:20:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Honduras based manufacturing giant Elcatex Group has digitised the garment costing process as part of plans to improve manufacturing efficiency and boost future commercial resilience post Covid-19.�

Tags: group process garment costing


ASBCI republishes garment costing guide as ebook

2020-04-23 19:21:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

The Association of Suppliers to the British Clothing Industry (ASBCI) has republished its garment costing guide as an ebook, with the�update now including a detailed explanation of labour costs calculations, a�glossary of costing and�accounting terms, and some cautionary anecdotes that demonstrate how easily product�lines can go from profit to loss.

Tags: guide ebook garment costing


Transparency in costing could diminish�'bargaining culture'

2020-03-03 15:36:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

A worrying trend is emerging in the garment industry: despite the growing attention to better working conditions, apparel import prices in countries like India and Bangladesh are going down, while the cost of production goes up.

Tags: culture transparency costing


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