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Unlocking the Potential of Mature Areas with Quantitative Seismic Analysis

2021-08-03 16:00:00| OGI

A North Sea case study reveals that even in new plays, quantitative inversion-led techniques can reduce drilling risk by validating predrill reservoir scenarios.

Tags: areas analysis potential mature


What is quantitative easing and how will it affect you?

2020-06-18 01:50:29| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The Bank of England is expected to unveil new measures to stimulate the economy. How do they work?

Tags: it you will affect


Book Review - Quantitative Geosciences: Data Analytics, Geostatistics, Reservoir Characterization and Modeling

2020-05-02 17:11:41| Oil IT Journal - www.oilit.com

Zee Ma's monster (640 page) work sets out to fill the gap between quantitative and descriptive geoscience analysis for reservoir characterization with a systematic 'integrative' approach. While recent data-driven approaches are included, QG adopts essentially a mathematical and first principles approach. The fairly heavy mathematical content is balanced by Ma's erudition and insights that run through the work. Ma argues that in-depth domain knowledge and first-class statistical know-how will trump the naive 'data-science' approach.

Tags: data review book analytics


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