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Ingnieur DevOps FH

2021-09-13 15:13:27| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

La mission de CS GROUP tre la pointe des technologies pour garantir la scurit de tous dans un monde en pleine mutation. Lexpertise reconnue du groupe lui permet dintervenir l o les enjeux de scurit sont les plus sensibles aronautique, dfense, nergie, spatial Et, aussi, l o les rponses sont inventer ou rinventer lutte an tidrones, cyberscurit, traitement de donnes satellitaires Vous souhaitez voluer dans une entreprise dimension humaine qui encourage linnovation, la curiosit et la prise de responsabilits ? Un groupe qui cultive la diversit de ces mtiers, issus de lunivers IT mais aussi du monde scientifique et qui investit prs de 15 de son CA en RD ? Rejoigneznous et additionnons nos talents ! Nous recrutons unune Ingnieur DevOps FH pour rejoindre notre Direction Qualit et de lAudit Technique au sein de notre Equipe outils , une quipe transverse CS GROUP, elle intervient sur tous nos projets, dans les domaines de la dfense, de lespace, de laronautique et de lindustrie. Dans le cadre du dveloppement de nos activits, afin de renforcer notre quipe, nous recherchons actuellement notre future Ingnieur DevOps FH Rattache notre Directeur Adjoint Qualit et de lAudit Technique, vous oprez de manire autonome et en troite collaboration avec notre quipe outils Votre mission Mettre en place, dployer et maintenir en conditions oprationnelles et de scurit MCOMCS des environnements dintgration continue CDCI, Raliser du support oprationnel aux quipes projet, Raliser de la veille technologique et capitaliser Des comptences DevSecOps seraient un plus. Au quotidien, vous serez charg du dploiement, du support et de la MCOMCS des environnements transverses mis disposition de tous nos projets. Qui tesvous ? De formation Bac 5, cole dIngnieur ou Universitaire spcialise en informatique. Vous disposez de minimum 2 annes dexprience et vous avez de solides comptences dans cette spcialit. Lenvironnement technique GitLab et GitLab CI, Jenkins, Git, Architectures Cloud la connaissance de SAFESCALE sera un plus, Kubernetes, Docker, Prometheus, SonarQube Vos capacits dorganisation et votre rigueur seront la base de votre russite. Vous souhaitez vous investir dans un environnement technique innovant au sein dune quipe transverse performante, vous avez dj mis en place des environnements oprationnels dintgration continue, vous tes autonome, motiv et vous aimez le travail en quipe. Vous tes pdagogue et avez le sens du service ? Alors vous tes la ppite que nous recherchons ! comptences gales, ce poste est ouvert aux personnes en situation de handicap. Qui sommesnous ? La mission de CS GROUP tre la pointe des technologies pour garantir la scurit de tous dans un monde en pleine mutation. Lexpertise reconnue du groupe lui permet dintervenir l o les enjeux de scurit sont les plus sensibles aronautique, dfense, nergie, spatial Et, aussi, l o les rponses sont inventer ou rinventer lutte antidrones, cyberscurit, traitement de donnes satellitaires Pourquoi choisir CS GROUP? Pour notre filire Expert qui valorise vos comptences techniques, notre engagement dans linnovation avec un budget RD de 30 millions deurosan , nos engagements socitaux et environnementaux index dgalit professionnelle 86100, partenaire de lassociation Elles bougent, membre de la plante Tech Care etc. Et bien sr la possibilit de tltravailler, un programme de cooptation, la complmentaire sant, les RTT, le CE. Nattendez plus, partagez votre CV et additionnons nos talents ! La suite des vnements Notre quipe de Recruteurs traitent votre candidature ds rception. Bonne nouvelle ! Celleci nous intresse nous vous contactons pour un premier change tlphonique. Si celuici est positif, un Responsable oprationnel prendra le relais avec un entretien technique. Enfin, vous rencontrerez lun de nos Recruteurs lors dun entretien RH. A lissue de ces rencontres, nous nous engageons vous faire un retour dans un dlai maximal de 2 semaines. Ce poste ne correspond pas tout fait vos attentes ? Vous pouvez utiliser loption candidature spontane en cliquant sur le lien suivant httpscs.jobs.netfrFRjoin

Tags: ingnieur devops fh


DevOPs Engineer

2021-08-06 12:13:05| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Aurora is an established supplier of skilled manpower to ESA and in particular at ESTEC and ESAC. Aurora has the opportunity to expand our support to ESA in the domain of Science and Operations within the IT Unit onsite at ESTEC. Happiness of our employees has proven key to obtaining excellent results and a client who also regards us highly for excellent service. Overview As part of the Science and Operations IT Unit you will have the following responsibilities Collaborate with software developers, system administrators and other IT staff members. Assist in defining IT requirements into solutions. Support software developers with their software lifecycles CICD. Assist in Infrastructure architectural design and software development activities. Support the system administrators with specific tasks, e.g. server maintenace, Oracle RDBMS maintenance, backups, etc. Support system administration of all computer systems used for ESAs Science Department web portals, web apps and scientific research activities installation, upgrading and regular security patching of the operating systems Oracle Linux, Solaris, Ubuntu. Supporting and maintaining NAS devices, virtual environments, GRID computing systems and load balancers. Installation, security patching and support of commercial and open source software Liferay, Content Server, Central Authentication System, Oracle Database, MySQL, PostgreSQL, web services, directory services, IDL, Matlab, Mathematica, backup services, license services. Provide proper documentation on supporting and enhancing the IT infrastructure. Specific qualification requirements Higher Education in Information Technology, Computer Science or equivalent qualification with at least 4 years of relevant experience. Familiar with scrumagile methodologies. Familiar with Atlassian collaboration products Confluence, Jira Software. Familiar with modern DevOps tools for IT Infrastructure and Operations. Familiar with version control Git, SVN and version control tools Gitlab, Github. Experience with automation, provisioning systems and IT configuration management Puppet. Experience with virtualization environments Oracle VM, VMware, etc.. Understanding security concepts at design, technical and organizational levels patch procedures, encryption best practices, role based access architecture. Knowledge of configuration and maintenance of firewall configurations NAT, Virtual server, Load balancing, SSL offloading, VLANs. Knowledge of Python, Ruby, Bash, PHP, SQL, yaml, json. Experience with Apache Tomcat, Apache web server, Elastic search, MySQL, PostgreSQL, OpenLDAP. Experience with monitoring tools Zabbix, Nagios to construct and execute network, server, and application status monitoring. Experience with Redhat CentOS Linux. Solaris experience is an asset. Experience with storage appliances Oracle ZFS storage appliance, NetApp. Familiar with container technology Docker. Used to work with remote clientscolleagues using phone, chatops tools, email. Fluency in English is mandatory knowledge of another European language is an advantage Legal and Security Requirements All applicants must be legally allowed to work in The Netherlands. Applicants are required to provide a copy of their passport and degree certificate. Aurora will validate the Degree with the issuing University and provide evidence to ESA. Prior to issuing a letter of employment the applicant shall provide to Aurora a recent official document declaring that they are of good conduct from the country where currently resident. Location The work will be performed at the European Space Technology and Research Centre ESTEC at Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Contract The selected candidate will receive good remuneration in line with ESA Job Class. Will be registered for both social security and tax in the Netherlands. The standard working hours are 40 per week. There are 12 public holidays and an additional 30 annual days holiday. Training to improve efficiency and provide strength for future career are of course included. Aurora assist with relocation both with support and financially. Aurora contributes to a company pension scheme. To be considered for this Position Prior to 15 September 2021, please apply via our Job Application form quoting SCODEVOPS as reference..

Tags: engineer devops


Dveloppeur Intgrateur DevOps HF

2021-07-02 14:14:37| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

La mission de CS GROUP tre la pointe des technologies pour garantir la scurit de tous dans un monde en pleine mutation. Lexpertise reconnue du groupe lui permet dintervenir l o les enjeux de scurit sont les plus sensibles aronautique, dfense, nergie, spatial Et, aussi, l o les rponses sont inventer ou rinventer lutte antidrones, cyberscurit, traitement de donnes satellitaires Vous souhaitez voluer dans une entreprise dimension humaine qui encourage linnovation, la curiosit et la prise de responsabilits ? Un groupe qui cultive la diversit de ces mtiers, issus de lunivers IT mais aussi du monde scientifique et qui investit prs de 15 de son CA en RD ? Rejoigneznous et additionnons nos talents ! Nous recrutons unune Ingnieur Intgrateur DevOps pour rejoindre notre business unit Espace au sein du Skill Center DevSecOps. Le skill center DevSecOps est au cur de nos solutions de valorisation de la donne spatiale DevSecOps INFRA Prototypage, optimisation et mise lchelle dinfrastructures fiables interoprables CloudHPC DevSecOps User eXperience SERvices Dveloppement dapplications haute valeur ajoute sur la base de donnes spatiales et plus Votre mission Vous interviendrez en totalit ou en partie sur La construction les solutions techniques les mieux adaptes latteinte des objectifs du projet Lintgration de composants logiciels OpenSource Lautomatisation du dploiement Le dveloppement de tests Le suivi et lamlioration de nos plateformes La capitalisation des bonnes pratiques techniques ou mthodologique Vous contribuez galement au dveloppement des pratiques DevOps au sein de lentreprise. Lenvironnement technique Environnement Linux Docker Git Python Kubernetes Elastic Stack OpenStack MultiCloud OpenSource Architectures microservice Vous tes familier avec certains ? Envie den apprendre dautres ? Des missions dans dautres rgions sont possibles si vous tes mobile et motive Grenoble, Paris, Montpellier, Cannes. Qui tesvous ? De formation Bac2, vous avez de bonnes connaissances en administration de systmes Linux, aimez la technique et souhaitez voluez au sein dune quipe de personnes passionnes, impliques et cratives sur des projets DevSecOps. Vous aimez travailler en quipe et prendre des initiatives ? Vous tes curieux et aimer les challenges techniques ? Vous tes autonome et avez un excellent relationnel ? Alors vous tes la ppite que nous recherchons ! A comptences gales, ce poste est ouvert aux personnes en situation de handicap. Qui sommesnous ? Notre business unit Espace, fort de ses 430 collaborateurs et de leur expertise IT et mtiers mcanique spatiale, segment sol image, logiciel embarqu satellites, fournit des systmes cls en main et des services dingnierie pour les agences spatiales et de dfense, les matres duvre et oprateurs de satellites, et les acteurs des applications spatiales. Pourquoi choisir CS GROUP ? Pour notre filire Expert qui valorise vos comptences techniques, notre engagement dans linnovation avec un budget RD de 30 millions deurosan, nos engagements socitaux et environnementaux index dgalit professionnelle 86100, partenaire de lassociation Elles bougent, membre de la plante Tech Care etc. Et bien sr la possibilit de tltravailler, un programme de cooptation, la complmentaire sant, les RTT, le CE. La suite des vnements Si votre profil est un match, vous aurez un entretien technique avec un de nos Responsables oprationnels. Puis, vous rencontrerez Magali ou Cindy lors dun entretien RH. Et nous nous engageons vous faire un retour par tlphone

Tags: hf intgrateur devops dveloppeur


DevOps Engineer mfd

2021-06-22 18:13:07| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

DevOps Engineer mfd for the Space division Stellenbeschreibung Does your passion lie in the development of innovative information technologies? Are terms such as Agile, Lean, Cloud and DevOps not foreign to you, but instead part of your mindset? Then become a part of CGI and together we can take our customers to the next level of transformation! We are looking for talents like you to join our Space team and support us in finding creative solutions that allow the Space industry to take steps towards the modern world and modern solutions. In our growing team you will encounter flat hierarchies and can constantly expand your expertise in a dynamic and agile environment. You will assume responsibility in projects from the initiation through to the successful introduction of cloud solutions both within our and our clients companies. In parallel, you will define the system elements and the associated implementation, integration and testing concepts. Aufgaben As a DevOps EngineerExpert, you will act in a crossfunction capacity within our teams and hold responsibility for managing and maintaining the cloud infrastructure on which our and our clients systems run. Additionally, you will support the project team from a DevOps point of view, by designing and deploying CICD pipelines, managing software releases, and optimizing and automating processes. The following subject areas belong to your range of tasks Automation of CICD processes Maintain CICD tools and platforms Analyze and implement technical requirements, install and configure tools, perform script maintenance and updates, deploy fixes and updates using automated deployment techniques Setup of the release management approach in collaboration with the software developers Support the development and testing teams in efficiently completing their activities Coding, API scripting and process reengineering Manage and monitor cloud infrastructure, analyze and resolve issues Perform root cause analysis for production errors Evaluate new tools and techniques to drive efficiencies Provide input for proposed solutions including tools and estimates in the presales phase Working together with the development team to identify and implement the most optimal cloudbased solutions Qualifikation You have a degree, or a comparable education, in an Information Technology related topic, and have relevant professional experience in the field of Cloud and DevOps. You have uptodate and sound technical knowledge of virtualization, container orchestration, CICD processes, scripting, databases, micro services and, in particular, current technical solutions relating to cloud computing and DevOps. Furthermore, you bring the following with you Expert knowledge in cloud and virtualization, e.g. VMware, Amazon Web Services AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenStack, etc. Expert knowledge in automated and containerized cloud deployment techniques and networking protocols Sound experience in automating and optimizing processes Good knowledge of scriptingprogramming languages bash, Python, Perl, PHP Good knowledge of security best practices Good knowledge of web services, API and REST Knowledge of cloud architectures, hybrid and multicloud environments and their management Experience with CICD tools Gitlab, Jenkins Problemsolving and improvementoriented mindset Fluency in written and spoken English The following qualifications and experience are considered beneficial Commercial work experience and domain knowledge in the Space andor Earth Observation domain, as well as in Geographic Information Systems GIS Cloudrelevant vendor certifications Fluency in written and spoken German Die Zukunft der IT neu gestalten im starken Konzern. Auergewhnliche Zeiten fordern uns heraus. Der digitale Wandel schreitet voran und CGI untersttzt und begleitet seine Kunden auf diesem Weg. Dabei bieten wir eine Vielzahl neuer Mglichkeiten innerhalb der Digitalisierung und der IT von Morgen. Bei CGI macht Arbeit und Erfolg haben Spa. Denn wir bringen Menschen, Prozesse und Technologie zusammen. Wir wollen nicht nur unsere Auftrge erfllen, sondern auch unsere Kunden erfolgreich bei ihrem Wandel begleiten und sie immer wieder begeistern. Dass uns beides regelmig gelingt, verdanken wir in erster Linie unseren motivierten Kollegen. Die Identifikation mit unserer Unternehmensphilosophie zeigt im tglichen Miteinander, was das Arbeiten bei CGI so auergewhnlich macht. Es ist Zeit, Teil unseres Erfolgs zu werden und mit anderen etwas zu bewegen werde Member bei CGI!

Tags: engineer mfd devops


DevOPs Engineer

2021-05-28 13:11:50| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Aurora is an established supplier of skilled manpower to ESA and in particular at ESTEC and ESAC. Aurora has the opportunity to expand our support to ESA in the domain of Science and Operations within the IT Unit onsite at ESTEC. Happiness of our employees has proven key to obtaining excellent results and a client who also regards us highly for excellent service. Overview As part of the Science and Operations IT Unit you will have the following responsibilities Collaborate with software developers, system administrators and other IT staff members. Translate loosely defined IT requirements into solutions. Support software developers with their software lifecycles CICD. Participate in architectural design and software development activities. Support the system administrators with specific tasks, e.g. server maintenace, Oracle RDBMS maintenance, backups, etc. Support system administration of all computer systems used for ESAs Science Department web portals, web apps and scientific research activities installation, upgrading and regular security patching of the operating systems Oracle Linux, Solaris, Ubuntu. Supporting and maintaining NAS devices, virtual environments, GRID computing systems and load balancers. Installation, security patching and support of commercial and open source software Liferay, Content Server, Central Authentication System, Oracle Database, MySQL, PostgreSQL, web services, directory services, IDL, Matlab, Mathematica, backup services, license services. Provide proper documentation on supporting and enhancing the IT infrastructure. Specific qualification requirements Higher Education in Information Technology, Computer Science or equivalent qualification with at least 4 years of relevant experience. Familiar with scrumagile methodologies. Familiar with Atlassian collaboration products Confluence, Jira Software. Familiar with modern DevOps tools for IT Infrastructure and Operations. Familiar with version control Git, SVN and version control tools Gitlab, Github. Experience with automation, provisioning systems and IT configuration management Puppet. Experience with virtualization environments Oracle VM, VMware, etc.. Understanding security concepts at design, technical and organizational levels patch procedures, encryption best practices, role based access architecture. Knowledge of configuration and maintenance of firewall configurations NAT, Virtual server, Load balancing, SSL offloading, VLANs. Knowledge of Python, Ruby, Bash, PHP, SQL, yaml, json. Experience with Apache Tomcat, Apache web server, Elastic search, MySQL, PostgreSQL, OpenLDAP. Experience with monitoring tools Zabbix, Nagios to construct and execute network, server, and application status monitoring. Experience with Redhat CentOS Linux. Solaris experience is an asset. Experience with storage appliances Oracle ZFS storage appliance, NetApp. Familiar with container technology Docker. Used to work with remote clientscolleagues using phone, chatops tools, email. Fluency in English is mandatory knowledge of another European language is an advantage Legal and Security Requirements All applicants must be legally allowed to work in The Netherlands. Applicants are required to provide a copy of their passport and degree certificate. Aurora will validate the Degree with the issuing University and provide evidence to ESA. Prior to issuing a letter of employment the applicant shall provide to Aurora a recent official document declaring that they are of good conduct from the country where currently resident. Location The work will be performed at the European Space Technology and Research Centre ESTEC at Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Contract The selected candidate will receive good remuneration in line with ESA Job Class. Will be registered for both social security and tax in the Netherlands. The standard working hours are 40 per week. There are 12 public holidays and an additional 30 annual days holiday. Training to improve efficiency and provide strength for future career are of course included. Aurora assist with relocation both with support and financially. Aurora contributes to a company pension scheme. To be considered for this Position Prior to 16 July 2021, please apply via our Job Application form quoting SCODEVOPS as reference. Aurora will agree conditional employment terms and conditions with candidates before presenting them by 18 June 2021, 13.00 hours.

Tags: engineer devops


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