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Colombia Oil Workers Join Anti-fracking Campaign

2021-04-06 22:51:57| OGI

Commercial development of the deposits is currently not permitted, but the countrys highest administrative court is holding hearings ahead of a final ruling and has allowed pilot projects to go ahead in the meantime.

Tags: join oil workers colombia


Colorado Activists Revive Anti-fracking Ballot Initiative

2020-06-25 22:05:00| OGI

The drive marks the third try in four years to tighten oil and gas drilling regulations in Colorado, which is the fifth largest oil-producing U.S. state.

Tags: colorado initiative activists ballot


Colorado Group Drops Plans for Anti-fracking Ballot Measure

2020-06-11 11:10:00| OGI

The group's decision comes as the U.S. oil industry is scaling back drilling due to record inventories, falling demand and low oil prices amid the pandemic.

Tags: group plans measure colorado


Anti-fracking Group Proposes Limited Colorado Oil And Gas Drilling

2020-01-07 20:00:00| OGI

The initiatives include a steep increase in the insurance that oil companies in Colorado are required to carry to cover abandoned wells and would widen the separation between new wells and public areas.

Tags: group limited gas oil


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