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Tag: sexist

Facebook accused of allowing sexist job advertising

2021-09-09 01:24:43| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

An investigation by Global Witness suggests its algorithm is biased in choosing who sees which ads.

Tags: advertising job allowing accused


Craft beer industry accused of being 'sexist boys' club'

2021-07-16 23:00:03| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Independent beer makers have promised reform following allegations of discrimination and harassment.

Tags: club industry boys beer


Activists cheer as 'sexist' tampon tax is scrapped

2021-01-01 01:02:41| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Campaigners say cutting of the 5% VAT rate on tampons and sanitary towels ends a 'sexist' tax.

Tags: tax cheer activists scrapped


Beam Suntory wades into "sexist" whisky guide row

2020-09-22 13:24:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Beam Suntory and other whisky distillers have backed a campaign accusing the author of a leading industry guide of using crude and sexist language.

Tags: guide row beam whisky


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