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Taste for takeaways outlasts Covid lockdowns

2021-08-31 01:01:28| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Britons are spending more on home delivered meals than before the pandemic struck.

Tags: taste lockdowns outlasts takeaways


Takeaways from WMs Susan Robinson at Waste360 Sustainability Talks

2021-07-14 17:51:00| Waste Age

The inaugural Sustainability Talks went live in Vegas at WasteExpo. Susan Robinson from Waste Management was the perfect person to kick off the thought-provoking day and wrap up with a Capstone overview. Here is a look at her top takeaways from this

Tags: susan talks robinson sustainability


Three Takeaways from the Waste & Recycling Employment Outlook

2021-06-30 15:25:00| Waste Age

The National Waste & Recycling Association Womens Council highlighted some of the industry's most thought-provoking human resources leaders in the waste and recycling industry at this year's WasteExpo. In a session titled, "The Waste & Recy

Tags: employment waste outlook amp


May 2021 Business ReportSolid Waste First Quarter Themes and Takeaways

2021-05-11 08:00:00| Waste Age

Over the past two weeks, the publicly-traded solid waste companies reported first quarter earnings and a number of them updated guidance. In this months edition of Business Report, we present highlights and takeaways from the reports and follow-up c

Tags: business quarter waste themes


Three takeaways from India's 'pandemic budget'

2021-02-01 10:50:43| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Spending has more than doubled on healthcare as the economy reels from the effects of coronavirus.

Tags: budget pandemic indias takeaways


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