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CEPE: Coatings, Ink Industry Under Pressure Due to Developments in Raw Materials Market

2021-03-18 14:30:57| Coatings World Breaking News

Demand, capacity and transportation issues for key raw materials are adding uncertainty to the supply chain.

Tags: due market industry materials


Oil and Gas Construction and Process Industry standards developments

2021-02-27 09:12:08| Oil IT Journal - www.oilit.com

IOGP provides update on CFIHOS, the capital facilities information handover standard. USPI-NL releases draft FL3DMS (Facilities Lifecycle 3D Model Specification), working on practical implementation of ISO 15926. Mapping the CFIHOS reference data library to ISO 15926. UK's National Digital Twin (!).

Tags: process industry construction standards


Ricardo launching curated services on hydrogen developments

2020-12-15 09:55:34| Green Car Congress

Tags: services developments ricardo hydrogen


Jaeger and Peacocks buyers must focus on digital developments

2020-11-30 12:30:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

While the Edinburgh Woollen Mill Group has reportedly received interest from several potential buyers for both Peacocks and Jaeger since they fell into administration, the sale process is only the first hurdle that these players have to overcome in order to survive in the long-term.�

Tags: digital focus developments buyers


Product developments and innovations in textiles and apparel, November 2020

2020-11-01 01:00:00| Apparel & textile industry market research - from just-style.com

This report analyses some of the latest developments and innovations in the global textile and apparel industry, including those relating to antiviral textiles and treatments, artificial intelligence

Tags: november product apparel developments


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