Tag: advice
WHO and ITU initiative to share coronavirus healthcare advice via text
2020-04-21 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news
In 2020 the world is more connected than ever and as a result it is easy to forget that a huge number of people remain unconnected to the internet. The concept of the ‘digital divide’ has never been more relevant than now, when a lack of internet connectivity could be a matter of life and death…read more on »
Denbury Resources Reportedly Hires Bank for Debt Advice
2020-04-09 11:10:00| OGI
Plano, Texas-based Denbury Resources�has tapped Evercore for advice on handling its debt, the sources said, stressing a debt restructuring is not imminent the oil and gas company.
Tags: resources
ICMAD Offers COVID-19 Advice
2020-03-25 16:18:00| Happi Breaking News
Register now for the March 26 webinar.
Tags: offers
offers advice
advice offers
Expert Leadership Advice for the Time of COVID-19 from Mike Pitcher
2020-03-24 19:51:20| - Automotive Industry News
The wisdom, insight, and leading edge thinking of Mike Pitcher prevails Here is Mike with timely and sound counsel on how we look at this Crisis Mike gives us vision and perspective that we need The Coronavirus will test collective leadership skills like never before Listen to great suggestions for leaders during this challenging time Starting with staying cool and calm. The Article <a href=""><img src="" alt width="450" height="316" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-203343"><br><strong><span style="Font-size:150%;">Expert Leadership Advice for the Time of COVID-19 from Mike Pitcher</span></strong></a> appeared first on Automotive Digest.
What advice for the beer category in the time of COVID-19? - comment
2020-03-23 17:03:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from
As a brewing industry commentator, I am all too aware of the size and scale of the global beer business: the amount of money involved, the number of people employed, the wider social and economic impact. Still, staring out of my window at the eerie quiet of a downtown Toronto under lockdown, it is hard to rouse myself to any sort of sensible analysis of the current situation.
Tags: time