Tag: secure
System Engineer dfm for Secure Space Mission Solutions
2021-10-07 13:12:08| Jobs RSS
A vacancy for a Systems Engineer dmw for Secure Space Mission Solutions has arisen within Airbus Defence and Space in Friedrichshafen or Ottobrunn Munich. The successful applicant will join TESUGTL4 Secure Space Mission Solutions. Responsible for system engineering of security systems for space missions comprising space and ground segment perimeter in the frame of national programs, ESA missions and export systems. Main tasks to be performed in a high selfreliant manner are Definition and implementation of security systems, architectures, concepts and designs. Security system requirement analysis incl. security risk analysis Accreditation of ITsecurity systems Common Criteria, ITSecurity Execution of design tradeoffs Identification and definition of security system internal and external Interfaces ICDs Specification of security system HW SW elements Costing of security solutions Collaboration across interfaces with Space Segment Ground Segment Engineering, Space Instrument, Performance Engineering, Operations Engineering Technical Management Lead Coordinate Proposals Lead Studies RD activities Lead Coordinate Midsize security projects Working experiences and knowledge Sound knowledge of system engineering support tools, e.g. for requirements management, architectural design, etc. Technical Management for low to midsized Projects is of advance Basic knowledge about ITSecurity and or cryptography solutions Experience in Common Criteria, ISO 27000 or equivalent processes is of advance Experience in SW implementation and or verification C C, Java is of advance
Tags: system
Galileo Entwicklungsingenieur wmd fr Secure Space Mission Solutions
2021-09-11 10:13:15| Jobs RSS
Fr Airbus Defence and Space in Friedrichshafen suchen wir fr den Bereich Secure Space Mission Solutions in der Abteilung TESUGTL4 TL4 Secure Space Mission Solutions einen Entwicklungsingenieur wmd. Aufgaben Verantwortlich fr die Implementierung, berprfung und Akkreditierung von ITSicherheits und Kryptografiesystemen fr Weltraummissionen, die Raum und Bodensegmentumfang umfassen, im Rahmen von ESAMissionen, Navigationsprogrammen, nationalen Geheimdienst und Aufklrungsprogrammen und Exportsystemen. Hauptaufgabe ist es, Sicherheitsmanahmen zu koordinieren, umzusetzen, fr die Integration, Verifizierung und Akkreditierung von Sicherheitssystemen verantwortlich zu sein und Sicherheitsarchitekturen, konzepte und designs zu definieren. Aktivitten im Zusammenhang mit dem Security EngineeringProzess umfassen Sicherheitsrisikoanalyse Analyse der Sicherheitsanforderungen Technisches Management der Sicherheitsimplementierung inkl. Subunternehmermanagement Sie fhren Sicherheitsintegrations und berprfungsaufgaben aus Akkreditierung von ITSicherheitssystemen Common Criteria, ITSecurity Entwurf und Implementierung des Sicherheitssystems SW System Engineering, Entwicklung und AITProzess Definition Implementierung und Entwicklung von Sicherheitskonzepten Erarbeitung von Vorschlgen fr Sicherheitslsungen fr Weltraummissionen Sie bringen mit Erfahrungen mit systemtechnischen Methoden und Werkzeugen Erfahrungen im technischen Lieferantenmanagement Erfahrungen im Requirements Engineering Kenntnisse ber ITSicherheit und oder Kryptographie Erfahrungen in Linux, OSI Model Protocols, CCSDS Space Protocol, JIRA, UML Kenntnisse ber Projektmanagementmethoden und werkzeuge Das Wissen ber die TEMPEST und EMVVerification ist wnschenswert Die Erfahrung mit Common Criteria und ISO 27000Prozessen ist von Vorteil Bitte bewerben Sie sich ber auf diese Stelle. Cet emploi exige une connaissance des risques de conformit potentiels et un engagement agir avec intgrit, comme base de la russite, de la rputation et de la croissance durable de la socit. Unit lgale Airbus Defence and Space GmbH Type de contrat Permanent Contract CDI Unbefristet Contrato indefinido Niveau dexprience Professional Exprimente Professionell Profesional Famille demplois InformatiqueComm, Traitemt InfoDonnes En soumettant votre CV ou votre candidature, vous autorisez Airbus utiliser et stocker des informations vous concernant des fins de suivi de votre candidature ou de futurs emplois. Ces informations ne seront utilises que par Airbus. Airbus sengage assurer la diversit de sa mainduvre et crer un environnement de travail inclusif. Nous accueillons toutes les candidatures, quels que soient le milieu social et culturel, lge, le genre, linvalidit, lorientation sexuelle ou les croyances religieuses des postulants. Airbus est depuis toujours attach lgalit des chances pour tous. En tant que tel, nous ne demanderons jamais aucun type davance de frais dans le cadre dun processus de recrutement. Toute usurpation didentit dAirbus cette fin doit tre signale
Tags: space
DOE awards $30M to secure domestic supply chain of critical materials
2021-09-04 12:55:37| Green Car Congress
Tags: supply
Chevron to Invest in Bunge Soybean Crushers to Secure Renewable Feedstock
2021-09-02 15:44:25| OGI
Chevron�and�Bunge's proposed JV will include expanding�Bunge's facilities in Destrehan, Louisiana, and Cairo, Illinois, to nearly double their capacity by 2024.
Tags: secure
Secure your business with Microsoft 365
2021-07-27 15:31:55| The Webmail Blog
Secure your business with Microsoft 365 nellmarie.colman Tue, 07/27/2021 - 08:31 � Cybercriminals are on a never-ending hunt for data anything they can steal and sell, exploit or hold for ransom. And your business is never too small to be cyberattacked. In fact,�two-thirds of companies with fewer than 1,000 employees�have been targeted, and 58% have been breached. And of companies hit with a ransomware attack,�73% have paid a ransom. To help businesses modernize their security operations and protect their data, Microsoft 365 provides several key services. When building your cloud security strategy, be sure to start with these foundational essentials: � 1. Identity and access management with Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Identity and access management is the start to any security strategy, as it defines who should have access to your data, what data they can access, and what applications they can access. Azure AD provides your identity foundation with features to help simplify identity and access management and improve user experience through single-sign-on capabilities. � Azure AD has a 123% ROI, with payback in 6 months � Source:�Forrester, "The Total Economic Impact Of Securing Apps With Microsoft Azure Active Directory" � 2. Device protection to manage your extended corporate network perimeter With Microsoft Endpoint Manager (MEM) and Microsoft Intune, businesses can manage and secure workplace application and data access via end user devices using a single, unified endpoint management solution. MEM provides a 223% return on investment over three years � Source:�Forrester, "The Total Economic Impact Of Microsoft Endpoint Manager" � 3. Threat protection to help prevent and detect malicious threats in Office 365 Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is a comprehensive solution to protect your business email and document stores from phishing, malware and ransomware attacks. With features like SafeLinks and SafeAttachments, you can protect your business from known virus or malware attachments, identify malicious URLs, prevent phishing and protect against spam. Microsoft threat intelligence solutions reduce the likelihood of a security breach by 60% � Source:�Forrester, "The Total Economic Impact Of Microsoft Office 365 Threat Intelligence" � Get a jumpstart on your cloud security strategy With the recent business challenges, and the quick adjustment to new work styles and new consumer trends, focusing on a cloud-security strategy can be challenging especially when specialized technology talent is difficult to find and recruit. This is where Rackspace Technology can help. We have Microsoft-certified engineers who can get to know your business requirements and help you devise and implement a winning cloud strategy. We also offer 24x7x365 expert support and solutions like Microsoft 365 Security Jumpstart. � Secure your business with Microsoft 365 Modernize your security operations and protect your data with technologies from Microsoft 365. Weve selected three solutions that can form a strong foundation for your cloud security strategy. Secure your business with Microsoft 365/lp/microsoft-365-jumpstartStart here Cloud InsightsProductsTeresa CortezSecure your business with Microsoft 365July 27, 2021 Teaser FlagBlogInsights ImageRackspace-Blog-Image-Secure-Your-Business-with-Microsoft-365-MST-TSK-4753-Web-Insights-480x360.pngSolutions TaxonomyEmail & ProductivityPlatforms TaxonomyMicrosoft Dynamics 365Microsoft Office 365
Tags: business
secure business