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US Loans Exxon Mobil 1.5 Million Barrels of Crude from Strategic Petroleum Reserve

2021-09-02 22:03:00| OGI

The loan of�oil�to Exxon Mobil's Baton Rouge refinery in Louisiana is aimed to alleviate fuel disruptions caused by�Hurricane Ida.

Tags: million mobil reserve strategic


Exxon Mobil Rejects Proposals to End Beaumont, Texas Refinery Lockout

2021-09-02 11:15:00| OGI

Exxon Mobil locked out the hourly employees at the 369,024 bbl/d refinery and adjoining lubricant oil plant in Beaumont, Texas, on May 1 to avoid a strike.

Tags: end texas mobil proposals


Exxon Mobil Sees 'Great Opportunity' for Low-Emission Oil Production in Brazil

2021-08-18 20:30:00| OGI

The oil major is considering a pledge to cut carbon emissions to net zero by 2050 amid pressure from investors to address climate change concerns.

Tags: great production opportunity oil


Exxon Mobil Launches US Shale Gas Sale to Kick-start Stalled Divestitures

2021-08-12 15:00:00| OGI

The assets are among gas projects with declining production and market value as Exxon Mobil�focuses on newer ventures in Guyana, offshore Brazil and Texas's Permian Basin.

Tags: sale gas mobil launches


Exxon Mobil Suspended From Climate Advocacy Group

2021-08-06 21:21:22| OGI

Exxon was a founding member of the group along with ConocoPhillips, BP, Shell and Total .

Tags: group mobil climate suspended


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