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UK giant Unilever bets on vegan food with 'scary target'

2020-11-18 18:05:18| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The consumer giant wants a significant slice of sales to be plant-based as vegan foods take off.

Tags: food target giant scary


Ant Group: How it became a financial giant

2020-11-02 01:22:25| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

As China's Ant Group prepares for its stock market debut, we look at how it established its empire.

Tags: group financial giant ant


Googles search monopoly under siege as US DoJ takes giant to court

2020-10-21 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

On Tuesday, the US Department of Justice, backed by the Attorneys General from 11 states, filed a landmark anti-trust lawsuit against Google. The suit claims that Google has deliberately stifled competition in the search and search advertising markets by making deals with device makers to have their search engine receive preferential treatment, whether by being pre-installed or being the only option available to the consumer…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: search takes court giant


BP Starts Omans Giant Ghazeer Gas Field

2020-10-12 14:59:45| OGI

The London-based firm said Ghazeer, the second phase of the development of Block 61, started four months ahead of schedule.

Tags: field gas starts giant


Norway Strike Could Shut Giant Johan Sverdrup Oil Field

2020-10-07 21:35:00| OGI

Norway's Johan Sverdrup Field, the North Sea's largest with an output capacity of up to 470,000 bbl/d of oil, will likely have to shut production unless a strike among workers ends,�operator Equinor said on Oct. 7.

Tags: field oil strike norway


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