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Harold Hamm Calls New Midland WTI Contract Overdue

2021-06-28 10:00:00| OGI

Launch of the new futures contractMidland WTI American Gulf Coastis the culmination of a year-long plan crafted by the Harold Hamm-backed American Gulf Coast Select Best Practices Task Force.

Tags: contract calls harold midland


Op-ed: Harold Hamm on US Oils Latest Milestone Moment

2021-06-25 22:00:00| OGI

America reached energy independence in 2019 and, more recently, achieved another milestone that Harold Hamm says will better align where the U.S. oil and gas industry is headed in the future.

Tags: latest moment harold oils


Powellhurst-Gilbert | 05-13-21 | 11328 SE Harold St | Nonconforming Situation Review - DECISION | LU 21-016842 NU

2021-05-12 22:56:08| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 4,038kbCategory: East Portland Neighborhood Office Decisions

Tags: review situation nu decision


Powellhurst-Gilbert | 04-15-21 | 11328 SE Harold St | Nonconforming Situation Review - PROPOSAL | LU 21-016842 NU

2021-04-14 18:36:13| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 3,398kbCategory: East Portland Neighborhood Office

Tags: review situation nu proposal


Harold Hamm Boosts Holdings in Continental Resources

2020-06-30 22:35:00| OGI

Harold�Hamm said increasing his holdings in Continental Resources stock underscored his confidence in the company, the value of which he believes is currently undervalued due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tags: resources continental holdings harold


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