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Data Processing Systems and Applications Engineer

2017-09-19 23:11:28| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

For our customer in Darmstadt we are looking for a Data Processing Systems and Applications Engineer to assist in the specification, preliminary design, procurement, integration, testing and transfer to operations of Data Processing elements for future programmes under development and the maintenance and evolution of data processing systems and applications for existing programmes. Tasks and Responsibilities Provide engineering consultancy to the future programmes ground segment data processing team as well as to the Operations department in the frame of maintenance and evolution of the current data processing systems Support activities related to initially Phase B followed by phases CD of the future mandatory programmes in the area of data processing engineering In the detail the candidate shall perform the following tasks Phase CD Contribute to the procurement of data processing elements by advising on technical solutions proposed by the contractor and by reviewing documentation to confirm its compliance with the requirements Contribute to the management of the requirements baseline for data processing elements Contribute to refinement of ICDs Contribute to testing, integration and acceptance of data processing elements. In Phase E Contribute to maintenance activities, including characterisation of system component behaviour against required performance, proposal and implementation of system alterations including component modification to achieve required performance. Contribute to evolution activities, including conceptual design, requirements specification, functional modelling, system analysis, and concept development to support increased performance, rationalisation of components, and cost reduction. In addition, there will be regular involvement in the following tasks requiring interaction and coordination with other teams at System and Ground Segment level Review of System, Space Segment and Ground Segment documentation dealing with requirements, concepts, algorithms and technical analyses of relevance for data processing, including review of instrument data processing algorithms and calibration concepts defined by the Space Segment with emphasis on their implications on Ground Segment data processing concepts, interfaces and architecture Participation in formal reviews and technical meetings at System and Ground Segment level. Review of documentation dealing with technical evolutions of the customers infrastructure Skills and Experience Profile The following skills and experience are mandatory. University degree in engineering, physics or software Relevant experience in preparation of requirements, design, interfaces and testing documentation for data processing systems for Earth Observation missions experience on data processing for high data rates missions will be considered an asset. Relevant experience with L1L2 processing software for Earth Observation missions, either for operationsmaintenance or specification and development. Knowledge of the requirements engineering process, including relation between requirements, ICDs, design and testing documentation. Ability to learn and develop the needed skills and knowledge to contribute to the development of future programmes. This includes the ability to rapidly absorb, and make use of, information presented in written and oral communications in a dynamic context. Willingness to work within a multidisciplinary context in cooperation with other teams. The ability to maintain a system overview is essential. They shall have a systematic approach to work, be able to plan their work and to cope with tight schedules and multiple tasks. They shall have the capability to write accurate and consistent technical documentation. The working language for the position is English and therefore the person must be able to work effectively in this language Previous experience and knowledge in any of the following areas will be considered an additional asset knowledge of the IBM DOORS tool or an equivalent for requirements management Knowledge of ECSS and CCSDS standards. How to Apply Interested applicants should submit their CV and Cover Letter to WGS recruitment team at vacanciesworkgroupsolutions.com no later than 6th October. About WGS GmbH WGS Workgroup Solutions GmbH is a private held company founded in 2013 and based in the Frankfurt area Germany. WGS provides excellent engineering and consulting services to European companies and institutions in the space sector.

Tags: data systems applications processing


Helicopter Slip Rings for Military Applications

2017-09-13 10:10:00| Naval Technology

Cobham Aerospace Communications designs, manufactures and qualifies slip rings for light, medium and heavy helicopters in military applications.

Tags: applications military rings slip


Chef de projet Dveloppement applications HF

2017-09-12 15:11:00| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Dans le cadre de son contrat dobjectifs et de performance Innovation Inspiration, le CNES se rorganise pour rpondre aux nouveaux enjeux de lespace, mettre en uvre la transformation numrique et favoriser les synergies entre ses mtiers. Pour relever ce dfi, la Direction du Numrique recrute ses futurs talents. Pour cela, lopration 3,2,1 est lance. Un process de recrutement exceptionnel en 3 semaines. Postulez cette offre, passez les questionnaires de recrutement pour participer, si vous tes slectionne, notre soire de recrutement, dernire tape du process. Dans un lieu dexception Toulouse, vous rencontrerez les acteurs cls de la Direction du Numrique pour faire la diffrence. 3 semaines pour candidater, 1 soire pour convaincre. La Direction du Numrique, de lexploitation et des Oprations DNO recherche un Chef de projet Dveloppement des applications entreprise HF. Au sein de la SousDirection Entreprise Digitale, le service Application Entreprise a pour mission de garantir la ralisation des offres de services du Systme dInformation anticiper et comprendre les besoins, laborer les spcifications techniques, grer la recette et la mise en production des services fournis. Dans le cadre de la mise en place de la mthode DevOps au CNES, vous tes en charge de la dployer en interne et de favoriser son adoption. A ce titre, vous diffusez les valeurs, principes, comportements et bonnes pratiques aux quipes coaching vous portez la ralisation dun projet pilote DevOps et, terme, certains des nouveaux projets candidats au DevOps vous participez la mise en place de loutillage assurant lautomatisation des dveloppements et des dploiements vous contribuez faire voluer les rles et processus existants et diffusez ce retour dexprience au niveau de la direction Audel de ce grand projet, vous assurez la veille technologiquebenchmark dans le domaine des SI, vous prparez larrive des nouvelles mthodes et nouveaux outils pour les futurs dveloppements et assurez les POCs Proof Of Concept qui pourraient tre mens. En tant que chef de projet, vous tes linterlocuteur privilgi des responsables dexploitation de services du SI, des responsables techniques des moyens informatiques, des responsables du support utilisateurs, des architectes informatiques et rseaux, des chargs daffaires, des responsables de la Scurit du SI et des correspondants informatiques et rseaux dans les structures mtiers. Et en externe, vous tes en contact avec des industriels en charge de lexcution des marchs informatiques confis par le CNES et avec des constructeurs diteurs de solutions informatiques. Fort dune formation dingnieur grande cole informatique ou quivalent, vous avez une exprience significative et russie de 5 ans dans la gestion de projets, Agile et DevOps notamment. Vos connaissances des applications Entreprise, Cloud et Solutions Saas ainsi que des mthodes de dveloppement et de conduite de projet informatiques sont indispensables pour mener bien les missions qui vous sont confies. La pratique de langlais est ncessaire pour ce poste. Vous tes organis, dynamique et vous avez le sens des responsabilits pour pouvoir travailler de manire autonome au sein dune quipe. Votre esprit danalyse et de synthse, votre aisance dans la communication et vos aptitudes la ngociation seront essentiels pour ce poste, trs orient service. Envoyez votre candidature avant le 24 septembre rpondez loffre qui vous correspond en joignant un CV et une lettre de motivation. Rpondez aux 3 questionnaires AssessFirst sur votre personnalit, vos motivations et vos aptitudes professionnelles en cliquant sur le lien suivant httpmy.assessfirst.comm75t8. Sur la base de ces lments, et de vos rponses aux questionnaires notre quipe recrutement prendra contact avec vous entre le 25 et le 27 septembre. 1 soire pour convaincre, mercredi 4 octobre 2017, partir de 18H. Si vous tes retenue, vous serez convie venir passer vos entretiens Toulouse frais de dplacements pris en charge par le CNES sur prsentation de justificatifs le mercredi 4 octobre. Pensez bloquer votre agenda. Nous avons rserv un lieu dexception pour vous rencontrer ! To apply click here

Tags: applications chef projet hf


Satellite Applications Facilities SAF Operational Coordination Engineer

2017-09-12 11:10:46| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Do you have the technical expertise and communication skills to coordinate distributed operations involving the extraction and real time dissemination of satellite products such as sea ice, land surface temperature and ozone? EUMETSAT is the European operational satellite agency for monitoring weather, climate and the environment. We observe the atmosphere, ocean and land surfaces from Space using a system of satellites, 365 days a year, offering images and data to provide insights into weather situations, environmental hazards and climate change. Our work helps users worldwide to monitor changes in these to protect lives, lifestyles and properties. Developing the next generation of satellites, we look to shape our future including the way we receive, process and disseminate data and products to our users. Part of our operation is the extraction of products from satellite data and the onward dissemination to our users in real time. The expertise at eight Satellite Applications Facilities SAFs, each led by a National Meteorological Service, is used to facilitate these services. We are recruiting for an engineer to coordinate these activities. In this role you will serve as the prime operational interface of the SAFs, supporting the planning and monitoring of all operations. You will prepare and maintain operational procedures and documents for the operations of SAF services and will maintain operational interfaces between the SAFs and EUMETSAT Headquarters facilities, mainly the EUMETSAT Data Centre and EUMETCast near real time data broadcast system. With the support of operations and technical support teams you will coordinate daytoday operations with SAFs and cooperate with them to develop the implementation of new products and services. Along with a University degree in Telecommunications, Physics, Electronics or Software Engineering or equivalent, you should be able to demonstrate a wide experience in operations of Earth Observation ground segment systems and in the operational planning and monitoring of near real time data services, preferably in highavailability environment. A working knowledge of imaging and sounding instruments of meteorological satellites and their main observations along with some experience of a UNIX operating system would be considered an advantage. The role will require you to communicate effectively under a variety of circumstances and to work autonomously with the minimum of supervision. The ability to perform effectively and calmly under pressure is required. In addition to an attractive salary and benefits package, EUMETSAT provides an outstanding working environment in Darmstadt, the City of Science. We can support new staff with language training, as well as relocation and other social welfare advice, if you are new to the area. For more information, please go to httpsonlineapplication.eumetsat.int reference VN 17 53. All applicants must be EUMETSAT Member State nationals with a good working knowledge of the English language in a business environment. You also require some knowledge of French. EUMETSAT is committed to providing an equal opportunities work environment for men and women and is seeking to recruit nationals from its Member States. Closing date is 8th October 2017 with interviews provisionally booked for wc 13th November 2017.

Tags: applications facilities satellite engineer


Absolute linear position sensor an industry standard for many demanding applications

2017-09-12 00:54:50| Canadian Plastics Headlines

Measurement-Specialties’ PT101 position sensor, available through Durham Instruments, has become an industry standard for thousands of applications. The post Absolute linear position sensor an industry standard for many demanding applications appeared first on Canadian Plastics.

Tags: standard position industry applications


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