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2-Year Audit Update: Private Stormwater Management - At year two, slow progress on data management, but program evaluations are underway - 10/8/2020

2020-10-08 22:07:33| PortlandOnline

Tags: year data private management


Lenzing "low risk" again in CanopyStyle viscose audit

2020-10-06 11:54:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Austrian cellulosic fibre producer Lenzing has completed its second CanopyStyle Audit, the results of which show the company's current supply chain is again at low risk of sourcing wood from ancient and endangered forests or other controversial sources.

Tags: low risk audit low risk


2-Year Audit Update: Streets Improvement Projects - Bureau of Transportation has made significant progress on improving the assessment of neighborhood impact - 10/1/2020

2020-09-30 21:07:31| PortlandOnline

Tags: made update significant impact


1-Year Audit Update: Transportation Bureau improved Fixing our Streets; programs second iteration is more realistic

2020-09-29 17:56:43| PortlandOnline

Tags: update programs improved transportation


Audit majors refuse to help firms with Xinjiang supply chain links?

2020-09-24 14:38:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Five supply chain auditing giants have said they will not help companies vet their supply chains in China's Xinjiang regions due to the complexity of determining whether they are involved in forced labour of Uyghur Muslims.

Tags: links supply chain firms


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