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Two Senators Put Hold on Bidens Interior Secretary Pick Deb Haaland

2021-03-09 17:05:00| OGI

Republicans have pressed Secretary of Interior Nominee Deb Haaland on statements that were critical of oil and gas and the holds open up debate on her nomination, which could delay the approval.

Tags: put hold pick interior


US Senator Joe Manchin to Back Deb Haaland for Interior Secretary

2021-02-25 10:05:00| OGI

Manchins yes vote is seen as crucial to Haaland's confirmation as Interior Secretary because he is a supporter of fossil fuel development who wields significant power in a U.S. Congress split 50-50 among Democrats and Republicans.

Tags: back interior joe secretary


New Mexicos Deb Haaland Emerges as Bidens Interior Secretary Pick

2020-12-15 22:40:00| OGI

The Trump administration had used the Interior Department as a key tool in its "energy dominance" agenda, which prioritized deregulation and fast-tracking of projects to maximize domestic oil, gas, and coal output.

Tags: pick interior secretary deb


Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation fights childhood hunger

2020-10-21 15:13:00| National Hog Farmer

Iowa Select Farms�employees will distribute 1 million�ham sandwich coupons, 20,000 pork sticks and educational resources to 99 schools.

Tags: foundation jeff childhood hansen


Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation recognizes Gold Star Families

2020-09-28 14:33:00| National Hog Farmer

The ISU Reserve Officers'�Training Corps, Sen.�Ernst and Sen. Scott joined Iowa Select Farms and the Survivor Outreach Services to assemble the packages.

Tags: star gold foundation families


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