Tag: singleuse
A Look at Three Unique Alternatives to Single-Use Plastic Bags
2021-10-12 13:12:00| Waste Age
That single-use plastic bags harm the environment and disrupt recyclers operations is not breaking industry news. But whats new in the headlines is whats going on in the race to find innovative, sustainable alternatives to these convenient but sho
Digging into Single-use Plastic Legislation in California
2021-09-22 14:35:00| Waste Age
Two billss related to single-use plastics AB 1276 and AB 962 have passed the California assembly and are now on Governor Newsoms desk for consideration. AB 1276 is designed to reduce plastic pollution from single-use food and beverage accessor
Tags: california
New App Lets Kids Send Ads to Parents to Ditch Single-Use Plastics
2021-08-19 08:00:00| Waste Age
NEW YORK -- Today, Gelo is launching a tracker that gives kids the power to follow their parents around the internet with ads constantly urging them to ditch single-use plastics and go greener at home. The Parent Track, develope
Arcos Dorados Has Reduced Single-Use Plastic by 40% in Its Restaurants
2021-06-15 08:00:00| Waste Age
Arcos Dorados, Latin Americas largest restaurant chain and the worlds largest independent McDonalds franchisee, today presented its 7th Social Impact and Sustainable Development Report for Latin America and the Caribbean 2020.
Tags: in
Colorado Says No to Single-Use Plastic Bags and Polystyrene
2021-06-11 08:00:00| Waste Age
A new bill aimed at reducing single-use plastics in Colorado has passed the house. The state's House gave final approval to HB21-116 which would ban polystrene starting Jan. 1, 2024. A 10-cent fee for single-use plastic bags or a recy
Tags: plastic