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Rotocon installs three systems in South Africa

2020-04-16 17:49:00| Label and Narrow Web Breaking News

The company has upgraded three older MPS 8-color flexo presses at JMB Labels and another printer.

Tags: south systems africa installs


South Africa sets aside $64 million for small-scale farmers impacted by COVID-19

2020-04-07 12:29:00| ThePigSite - Industry News

South Africa is to set aside 1.2 billion rand ($64 million) to help small-scale farmers in a bid to support food production amid a nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Tags: by south million sets


Drones in Africa: How they could become lifesavers

2020-04-07 01:24:38| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Rwanda's President Paul Kagame says drones will become important for his nation, but can they really deliver?

Tags: they africa drones


SeaBird Receives Cancelation Notice for OBN Surveys Offshore West Africa

2020-04-06 19:12:32| OGI

SeaBird Exploration Plc said it has been notified that the end-client has canceled the two OBN surveys off West Africa due to the COVID-19 situation on April 6.�

Tags: west notice africa surveys


TDI-Brooks Completes MSGBC Basin Field Data Program Offshore West Africa

2020-04-03 15:28:05| OGI

TDI-Brooks International, under contract to TGS, said April 2 it has completed its offshore seep-hunting surface geochemical analysis and geotechnical campaign of the MSGBC Basin, from Northern Senegal through The Gambia and AGC zone, into Guinea-Bissau down to the Guinea transform fault.

Tags: data program west field


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