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Biden orders 100-day review amid supply chain strains

2021-02-24 19:16:28| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The United States has grappled with shortages of medical gear and computer chips, among other items.

Tags: review orders supply chain


US Natural Gas Soars Over 10% as Deep Freeze Strains Output

2021-02-16 16:34:55| OGI

The deep freeze hit Texas energy industry, shutting refineries and forcing restrictions on natural gas pipeline operators, while leaving over 4 million people without power.

Tags: natural deep gas output


Shifting BVDV strains present a challenge to U.S. beef producers

2020-09-03 17:46:00| Beef

BVDV Type 1b prevalence continues to rise in cattle herds across the country.

Tags: present challenge producers beef


ISU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory ready to monitor new flu strains

2020-07-13 15:08:00| National Hog Farmer

The VDL conducts around 30,000 influenza tests on submitted samples annually and sequences individual strains in over 1,000 positive tests every year.

Tags: ready monitor laboratory diagnostic


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