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Marketed: Austin Chalk Opportunity, Webb County, Texas

2021-08-31 21:10:00| OGI

Conquistador et al retained EnergyNet for the sale of an Austin Chalk opportunity�in Webb County, Texas, through a sealed-bid offering closing Sept. 9.

Tags: county opportunity texas austin


Marketed: Eagle Ford / Austin Chalk Well Package, Karnes County, Texas

2021-04-23 20:30:00| OGI

JL Capital Ventures retained EnergyNet for the sale of an Eagle Ford / Austin Chalk well package operated by EOG Resources in Karnes County, Texas, through an auction closing May 5.

Tags: county texas package ford


SilverBow Resources Reports Results of First Austin Chalk Well

2021-04-20 11:00:00| OGI

Early results from SilverBow Resources�first Austin Chalk well are very encouraging, setting up the potential to add more locations to the companys high rate of return drilling inventory,�SilverBow CEO Sean Woolverton says.

Tags: well results resources reports


Marketed: New Century Operating Eagle Ford / Austin Chalk Opportunity

2021-02-24 17:05:00| OGI

New Century Operating LLC retained EnergyNet for the sale of an Eagle Ford / Austin Chalk opportunity. The offering includes certain oil and gas properties and related assets located in Burleson and Lee counties, Texas.

Tags: opportunity operating century ford


EOG Shares Insight on Dorado Gas Discovery in Austin Chalk, Eagle Ford

2020-11-06 20:14:41| OGI

EOGs newly unveiled Dorado natural gas play has an estimated net resource potential of 21 Tcf in 700 ft of stacked pay in the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale formations.

Tags: gas ford shares insight


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