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Telefonica, Rakuten Mobile ink OpenRAN MoU

2020-09-16 14:27:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) Spain's Telefonica has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Japanese operator Rakuten Mobile to cooperate on the development of OpenRAN, 5G Core and OSS technologies. The partners said they intend to run joint lab tests and trials of OpenRAN architecture, focusing on the role of Artificial Intelligence in RAN networks. They will also jointly develop proposals for optimal 5G RAN architecture and OpenRAN models as part of industry efforts to achieve quicker time to market, new price-points and boost the potential of software-centric RAN.

Tags: mobile ink telefonica mou


Orange and Google ink cloud partnership, to work on AI, edge computing services

2020-07-29 08:23:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) Orange has strengthened its ties with Google announcing a strategic agreement covering data, AI and edge computing services. The two partners will collaborate on several fronts and will join forces to open an innovation lab focused on future edge computing applications, as 5G networks are rolled out across Europe.

Tags: services work google edge


DUG, Fairfield Ink Multiclient Seismic Reprocessing, Imaging Agreement

2020-06-19 15:13:29| OGI

Fairfield Geotechnologies and DUG Technology have signed a comprehensive strategic agreement on June 18 that includes the reprocessing and imaging of over 5,000 sq miles of multiclient seismic data.

Tags: agreement imaging ink fairfield


Domino launches ink for K600i printer

2020-04-16 23:25:00| Label and Narrow Web Breaking News

UV97BK, a UV-curable black ink, has been developed in line with Nestl�s guidance on food packaging inks.

Tags: printer ink launches domino


TIM and Infratel ink deal to accelerate fibre rollout in underserved areas

2020-04-03 09:27:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) Telecom Italia (TIM) has reached an agreement with Italy's state-owned infrastructure firm Infratel to speed up the development of superfast internet in underserved parts of the country and address the need for a more efficient network during the coronavirus lockdown. In a statement, the partners said Infratel will provide fibre-optic backbone infrastructure in 8 regions (Abruzzo, Sardinia, Tuscany, Puglia, Calabria, Lazio, Lombardy and Marche), with TIM subsequently delivering local loops to street cabinets and installing electronics components.

Tags: areas deal tim ink


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