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University of Saskatchewan's VIDO-InterVac to research ASF vaccine

2020-01-08 20:15:00| National Hog Farmer

VIDO-InterVac will be the first non-government facility in Canada to work with the African swine fever virus.

Tags: research university vaccine asf


E-Commerce and Emerging Logistics Technology Research Report (2019)

2020-01-07 22:56:13| PortlandOnline

Final e-commerce report for PBOT Freight Master Plan update

Tags: report research technology emerging


E-Commerce and Emerging Logistics Technology Research Report (2019)

2020-01-07 22:55:36| PortlandOnline

Final e-commerce report for PBOT Freight Master Plan update PDF Document, 5,996kbCategory: Studies + Reports

Tags: report research technology emerging


Brown research provides new design principle for water-splitting catalysts

2020-01-01 12:55:40| Green Car Congress

Tags: design research brown principle


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