Tag: wm
Furlans Marine in Gautier, Mississippi Wins $100,000 Through WM Contest
2021-02-11 07:00:00| Waste Age
Scottsdale, Ariz. (Feb. 10, 2021) Furlans Marine in Gautier, Miss. has won $100,000 through Waste Managements Million Dollar Shot contest at the 2021 WM Phoenix Open. Waste Management (WM), title sponsor of the PGA TOUR tournament, tied the exc
Tags: marine
Communications System Engineer SDR Digital Payload Specialist wm
2018-09-14 16:26:48| Jobs RSS
KLEO Connect GmbH is a startup looking to provide global satellite data communications services. The group is currently working with international partners to design a megaconstellation of small LEO satellites and cuttingedge user terminals and ground infrastructure. The system will deliver connectivity solutions with levels of performance, service and resilience that have been previously unmatched in the industry. KLEO has a growing team with offices in Berlin and Munich. We are looking to supplement our very talented team in Berlin with a Communications System Engineer wm SDR and Digital Payload Specialist The Communications Systems Engineer will hold a technical role within KLEO, based in the Berlin office, and involved primarily in advanced communications systems architecting and design. The successful candidate will be responsible for leading the companys activities for spacebased communications payload system definition, and coordinate with our manufacturer on all RD efforts. They will actively interface between Engineering and Business Development teams and international technical partners to ensure that the system design fulfills the companys service delivery objectives respectively. Main Responsibilities Lead the development of requirements and specifications for SDR and Digital payload systems Drive communication system interface definition for space and ground systems Manage working groups, consisting of internal and external partners, to establish the baseline standards in signal protocols and networking approaches Support communication payload system reviews Support customerdriven systems trades analysis and execution of change management activities Simulation of digital payload for onground HIL testing of networking and routing schemes Design and implementation of control systems, operational software, and toolkits to monitor and enhance operational efficiency Provide technical consultancy services to Business Development to support sales, presales, and application development Breakdown SDR and Digital Payload projects into tasks that can be supported by junior communication engineers Mentor junior communication engineers in advanced antenna systems to provide added redundancy for team expertise Use of advanced operational engineering tools within satellite and communications systems, including RF and digital communications Maintain awareness of technology trends and assist in the development of new products and services and be able to outline their architectural implementation and support trials Skills and Qualifications Require advanced degree in a related field i.e. Electrical, Computer or Systems Engineering Minimum 5 years of experience in satellite communications systems engineering with specific knowledge in digital payload engineering and SDRs Practical knowledge and experience in communications and networking standards and protocols Practical knowledge of systems engineering and manufacturing practices Confidence in working directly with potential customers, suppliers and subcontractors Experience developing systems documentation, requirements, test plans and procedures, and operational procedures Ability to work independently and effectively, cocoordinating tasks and responsibilities Strong analytical and excellent organizational skills Excellent communications and interpersonal skills written and verbal Fluency in English, other languages particularly German and Chinese considered an asset Willingness to travel overseas Desirable skills Practical experience in the commissioning and testing of satellite systems Business awareness and acumen Solid programmingsoftware engineering skills with good knowledge of MATLAB, Visual Basic, python and Java programming environments Our offer Challenging job with a high degree of responsibility and creativity Productive startup work environment with flat hierarchies and flexible working hours Attractive salary related to skills and experience, and a permanent position Modern work environment If you are interested in joining our team and being a part of innovating our incredible systems and services, please send us your full application with a cover letter specifically indicating your areas of interest.
Tags: system
Constellation and Satellite Navigation Systems Specialist wm
2018-08-23 21:27:11| Jobs RSS
KLEO Connect GmbH is a startup looking to provide global satellite data communications services. The group is currently working with international partners to design a megaconstellation of small LEO satellites and cuttingedge user terminals and ground infrastructure. The system will deliver connectivity solutions with levels of performance, service and resilience that have been previously unmatched in the industry. KLEO has a growing team with offices in Berlin and Munich. We are looking to supplement our very talented team in Berlin with a Constellation and Satellite Navigation Systems Specialist wm The Constellation and Satellite Navigation Systems Specialist will hold a lead technical role within KLEO, involved primarily in advanced systems architecting and design of the constellation geometry and supporting infrastructure. The successful candidate will be responsible for systems engineering tasks to support the companys development of core Navigation Systems for the satellites and ground infrastructure to support operational activities. They will actively interface between other Engineering, Regulatory and Business Development teams, as well as, external international technical partners to ensure that the system design fulfills the companys service delivery objectives respectively. Main Responsibilities Lead mission and system requirement definition and RD activities for space and ground systems necessary for managing the Constellation geometry over the full lifecycle of the satellites Launch, Commissioning, Orbit Raising, Constellation phasing, Stationkeeping, Orbit Maintenance, Collision Avoidance, Decommissioning and Deorbiting. Develop concept of operations and orbit management processes for each phase of the mission Lead the review and procure of core navigation related systems such as advanced electric propulsion, GNSS, IMU, reaction wheel systems, etc. Procure or lead development of operational software for space situation awareness SSA and coordination of collision mitigation processes Use of advanced operational engineering tools for the development and testing of satellite navigation systems Manage interfaces and project tasks among KLEO engineers and partner organizations regarding the satellite and ground system design and build for demo satellites and for the main mission Conduct systems trades analysis balancing interdisciplinary technical trades with a customerdriven focus Breakdown projects into tasks that can be supported by junior engineers Mentor junior engineers in crossdisciplinary systems to provide added redundancy for team expertise Ground Segment Engineering Support development of operation systems equipment for orbit management Space Segment Engineering Define subsystem requirements and specifications for propulsion and ADCS Support change management processes as new customer requirements emerge Support RD activities for advanced electric propulsion concepts System modelling and validation Coordination with satellite prime manufacturers Operational planning Design and implementation of control systems, operational software, and toolkits to monitor and enhance operational efficiency Develop routine operations procedures and toolsets Develop scenarios for possible failure modes, determine likely anomalous behaviors and develop operational procedures to mitigate or minimize impact of operational anomalies Coordination with other satellite operators and government agencies for SSA and collision avoidance Provide operational support for the constellation management, performing routine orbit determination, collision monitoring, maneuver planning and anomaly support. Support development and implementation of test plans for customer demos Maintain awareness of technology trends and assist in the development of new products and services and be able to outline their architectural implementation and support trials Skills and Qualifications Require advanced degree in a related field i.e. Aerospace or Systems Engineering, with focus on orbit dynamics, ADCS and propulsion systems Minimum 5 7 years of experience in satellite systems engineering or operations, with reasonable proficiency in all key spacecraft and ground systems Strong practical knowledge of systems engineering practices Confidence in working directly with potential customers, suppliers and subcontractors Experience developing systems documentation, requirements definition, test plans and procedures, and operational procedures Ability to work independently and effectively, cocoordinating tasks and responsibilities Strong analytical and excellent organizational skills Excellent communications and interpersonal skills written and verbal Demonstrated leadership and managerial skills Fluency in English, other languages particularly German or Chinese considered an asset Willingness to travel overseas Desirable skills Practical experience in the commissioning and testing of satellite systems satellite and ground based Experience in constellation management Knowledge of constant lowthrust trajectory analysis Business awareness and acumen Advanced programmingsoftware engineering skills with good knowledge of MATLAB, Visual Basic, python and Java programming environments Our offer Challenging job with a high degree of responsibility and creativity Productive startup work environment with flat hierarchies and flexible working hours Attractive salary related to skills and experience, and a permanent position Modern work environment If you are interested in joining our team and being a part of innovating our incredible systems and services, please send us your full application with a cover letter specifically indicating your areas of interest.
Tags: navigation
Delivery Manager Equipment SW wm
2017-06-20 10:10:52| Jobs RSS
Fr Airbus Defence and Space in Mnchen Taufkirchen suchen wir fr den Bereich TSOTO22 Embedded SW Instruments Equipment FHN OTN einen Delivery Manager Equipment SW wm. Als Stelleninhaberin koordinieren Sie die Definition, Implementierung und Validierung von Projekten im Bereich Equipment SW hauptschlich in Bezug auf Navigationsempfnger. Auerdem bernehmen Sie auch technische Aufgaben SWEngineering, wie die Definition von SWAnforderungen und koordinieren das SW Entwicklungsteam. Dabei sind Sie dafr verantwortlich, dass die Ziele der SWProjekte innerhalb der Kosten, Qualitts und Zeitvorgaben erreicht werden. Zu Ihren Hauptaufgaben gehren Koordinierung der Projekte im Bereich Equipment SW auf einer technischen und kaufmnnischen Basis Sicherstellung der Einhaltung der Kosten, Qualitts und Zeitvorgaben bei der Bereitstellung der SWLieferergebnisse Reprsentant des Bereichs SW gegenber den anderen Stakeholdern Mitarbeit an der Definition der Produktstrategie Erwerb eines angemessenen Kenntnisstandes ber die Funktionsweise des Systems Definition der SWAnforderungsbaseline in Zusammenarbeit mit dem SystemEngineering Koordinierung des SWEntwicklungsteams und Sicherstellung einer effizienten Durchfhrung smtlicher SWTtigkeiten Prfung und Freigabe smtlicher Lieferergebnisse SWVersionen und Dokumente Definition der Strategie der Softwarewartung und berwachung der Implementierung Mitarbeit an Analyse und Untersuchung berichteter SWFehler Untersttzung bei Kostenschtzungen und Angeboten Sie haben folgende Kenntnisse und Qualifikationen Master in Informatik oder vergleichbar Umfassende Erfahrung in Informationssystemen und im Engineering Mehrjhrige Erfahrung als Projektmanager und SWArchitekt, vorzugsweise in der Raumfahrtbranche Erste Erfahrungen im Teammanagement Fundierte Kenntnisse in typischen Architekturen und Anwendungen von EmbeddedRealtimeSoftware z. B. Nutzung von RTOS Kenntnisse in den SoftwareEntwicklungsstandards fr missionskritische Software z. B. ECSS, DO178 Umfangreiche Erfahrung mit den EngineeringMethoden und Tools fr Softwareanforderungen z. B. Doors Kenntnisse in Theorie und Implementierung von Satellitennavigation GPS, Galileo, Glonass sind von Vorteil Umfangreiche Erfahrungen in SWImplementierung C, Make, Eclipse und Tests Erfahrungen in der HWSWIntegration Fhigkeit, HWDatenbltter zu verstehen Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Prozessorarchitekturen SPARC, ARM CortexR Kommunikationsstrke, Prsentationskompetenzen und Verhandlungsgeschick in einem internationalen Umfeld Zielstrebigkeit bezglich der Erreichung von Zielen innerhalb der Vorgaben Teamfhigkeit fr die Arbeit in einem multinationalen Umfeld Verhandlungssichere Englischkenntnisse und fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse Bitte bewerben Sie sich fr diese Stelle online ber unsere Karriereseite und fgen Ihren beruflichen Werdegang als Anhang an. Durch die bermittlung Ihres beruflichen Werdegangs autorisieren Sie die Airbus Group zur Verwendung und Speicherung dieser Informationen zu Monitoringzwecken bezglich Ihrer Bewerbung oder spteren Einstellung. Diese Informationen warden nur von der Airbus Group genutzt. Airbus engagiert sich fr Vielfalt und eine integrierende Firmenkultur. Deshalb freuen wir uns auf alle Bewerbungen unabhngig von ethnischer Herkunft, Alter, Geschlecht, Behinderung, sexueller Identitt, Weltanschauung oder Religion. To apply click here
Tags: equipment
Quality Assurance Engineer for Orbital wm
2016-02-29 17:07:58| Jobs RSS
Airbus Defence and Space ist eine Division des AirbusKonzerns, die aus der Zusammenlegung der Geschftsaktivitten von Cassidian, Astrium und Airbus Military entstanden ist. Die neue Division ist das fhrende Verteidigungs und Raumfahrtunternehmen Europas, das zweitgrte Raumfahrtunternehmen der Welt und unter den zehn grten Verteidigungsunternehmen weltweit. Sie erzielt mit etwa 40.000 Mitarbeitern einen Jahresumsatz von rund 14 Mrd. . Fr Airbus Defence and Space in Friedrichshafen suchen wir fr den Bereich Quality Product Assurance in der Abteilung Orbital Product Assurance einen Quality Assurance Engineer wm. Zu Ihren Hauptaufgaben gehren Planung und Realisierung der Quality Assurance Aktivitten unter Bercksichtigung der APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning Methodik in internationalen Raumfahrt Projekten innerhalb des Europischen Payload Centers Process Assurance mit der Einfhrung und Durchsetzung von CMMI, Quality Gates und Audits Definition und Umsetzung von Safety und Qualitts Konzepten fr komplexe Nutzlasten im Rahmen von Angeboten und laufenden Projekten Planung und Durchfhrung von internen und externen Audits Erstellung von QA relevanter Dokumentation wie Prozess, Material, und BauteilListen FMEA Zertifikate COC, COA PAPlan Bearbeitung von qualittsrelevanter Dokumentation in SAP QMeldungen Moderation von NRBs Nonconformance Review boards, sowohl mit Unterauftragnehmern als auch mit dem Kunden berwachung der Unterauftragnehmer und Vertretung der Kundeninteressen in allen qualittsrelevanten Bereichen Durchfhrung von Hardware Inspektionen fr die Bereiche Mechanik, Optik, Elektrik und Elektronik, aber auch fr Wareneingangs und WarenausgangsInspektionen Prozessverantwortlicher fr die Genehmigung aller von Standards abweichenden Produkte RFA, PAD, RFD, RFW Sie haben folgende Kenntnisse und Qualifikationen Abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Luft und Raumfahrt oder vergleichbar Erfahrung im Bereich Qualitt ISO 9100 oder in der Entwicklung im Bereich Luft und Raumfahrt Mehrjhrige Erfahrung in internationalen Teams Idealerweise Erfahrung im Bereich Human Space Flight Safety SSP 51700,KHB1700 und NSTS 13830 Hohes Ma an sozialer Kompetenz zur Durchsetzung der Qualittsanforderungen im Projekt und fr die kontinuierliche Verbesserung Teamfhig und gute Prsentationsfhigkeiten, systematische und zielorientierte Arbeitsweise Verhandlungssichere Englisch und gute Deutschkenntnisse Bitte bewerben Sie sich fr diese Stelle online ber unsere Karriereseite und fgen Ihren beruflichen Werdegang als Anhang an. Durch die bermittlung Ihres beruflichen Werdegangs autorisieren Sie die Airbus Group zur Verwendung und Speicherung dieser Informationen zu Monitoringzwecken bezglich Ihrer Bewerbung oder spteren Einstellung. Diese Informationen werden nur von der Airbus Group genutzt. Airbus Group engagiert sich fr Vielfalt, eine integrierende Firmenkultur sowie persnliche Werte. Deshalb begren wir alle Bewerbungen unabhngig von ethnischer Herkunft, Alter, Geschlecht, Behinderung, sexueller Identitt, Weltanschauung oder Religion. Airbus Group Recruitment Centre To apply click here
Tags: quality