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Tag: fractured
Remy Cointreau to solve fractured e-commerce focus with united front - CEO
2020-06-05 15:19:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from
Remy Cointreau is to bring e-commerce for all its brands under one roof as the group ramps up digital channels in the wake of the coronavirus.
Can the fractured supplier-buyer relationship be repaired?
2020-04-06 12:44:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from
Clothing retailers and brands around the world face dwindling sales, store closures and mounting stock inventory due to the�coronavirus�pandemic. In Bangladesh, millions of dollars worth of clothing orders have been cancelled and some factories are just a step away from shutting down their operations. But what happens when it all blows over? Can the fractured buyer-supplier relationship - until now based significantly on trust -�be repaired?
Tags: relationship
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