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Avery Dennison intelligent labels could help close loop

2020-10-26 17:47:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Avery Dennison�has developed a new intelligent�solution platform that aims to help close the loop of the circular economy by providing garments with a digital identity to communicate to�consumers how to recycle or resell their clothing.��

Tags: close labels loop intelligent


SJTU team proposes new dual-fuel combustion mode: intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI); high efficiency, low NOx

2020-07-13 12:56:06| Green Car Congress

Tags: high low mode team


2020 IQPC Intelligent Automation in Oil and Gas, Houston

2020-05-02 17:11:41| Oil IT Journal - www.oilit.com

Weatherford and Kalypso on AI/ML in mill-out operations. Dow Chemical's enterprise manufacturing intelligence dashboard. Noble Energy and i2k Connect, AI for log curve ingestion. Progress report from ExxonMobil's Open Process Automation initiative. Koch Industries on leak detection and repair. Equinor's AI/ML 'chassis' for automation.

Tags: gas oil houston intelligent


ZTE 6G research team focussing on intelligent architecture

2020-03-24 01:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

For most people, 6G is a mere pipe dream, as operators race to rapidly deploy their 5G networks. Not so for Dr Fang Min, ZTE’s director of 6G research and collaboration, who is already working with a team to make 6G a reality by 2030.   But what would 6G even look like? For one thing…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: research team architecture intelligent


BMW Group Plant Dingolfing testing autonomous, connected and intelligent logistics solutions; 5G trial network

2020-03-09 10:55:41| Green Car Congress

Tags: group network solutions trial


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