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NPPC applauds USDAs added safety measures on imported dogs

2021-08-06 20:34:00| National Hog Farmer

Additional requirements apply to dogs imported from ASF-postive countries.

Tags: added safety measures dogs


MyPlate launches USDAs first Alexa skill

2021-07-29 20:26:00| National Hog Farmer

New tool provides nutrition tips for feeding infants and toddlers.

Tags: skill alexa launches usdas


USDAs Reassessment of Product of USA Label is Encouraging, Farmers Union Says

2021-07-01 23:11:28| National Farmers Union

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 1, 2021 Contact: Hannah Packman, 202.554.1600 hpackman@nfudc.org WASHINGTON  To complement the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) efforts to strengthen the enforcement of Made in the USA standard, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced that it would conduct a top-to-bottom review of the voluntary Product of the USA label. National Farmers […]

Tags: product usa says union


USDAs action on RFID tags challenged in court

2021-02-09 20:19:00| Beef

R-CALF and NCLA seek injunction from court barring APHIS from using advice and work from advisory committees.

Tags: action tags court challenged


USDAs Animal Disease Traceability program moves ahead

2020-08-12 19:42:00| Beef

Heres the true story of how USDA actually found the Cow that Stole Christmas and why robust disease traceability is important.

Tags: program animal disease ahead


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