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Nativa Spa Launches in the U.S.

2021-09-23 22:59:50| Happi Breaking News

The first beauty brand to explore the ultra-hydrating properties of the super grain quinoa will now use it as its baseline ingredient.

Tags: us spa launches


Tr�tzschler Launches Energy Efficient Card

2021-09-23 15:29:48| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News

Innovative drive and air technology reduces energy consumption of the TC 19i card

Tags: card energy efficient launches


Enbridge Launches Open Season for Transport to Dawn Gas Hub

2021-09-23 15:25:42| OGI

Enbridge Gas is holding a binding open season for C1 transportation services from St. Clair (DTE) and/or�Bluewater�to Dawn starting�November 1, 2023�for a minimum of five years, the company said on Sept. 20.

Tags: open transport season gas


YASA spin-out Evolito launches as a business with electric motors for aviation

2021-09-23 10:55:40| Green Car Congress

Tags: for business electric motors


Archroma launches online regulatory and compliance platform

2021-09-22 17:28:12| Label and Narrow Web Breaking News

The Safe Edge platform has been designed with transparency and traceability in supply chains in mind.

Tags: online platform compliance regulatory


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