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China power cuts: Coal miners ordered to boost output, say reports

2021-10-08 08:43:46| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Millions of Chinese homes and businesses have been hit by power cuts in recent weeks.

Tags: power china reports output


Major miners commit to net zero GHG emissions by 2050 or sooner

2021-10-06 13:55:41| Green Car Congress

Tags: net major commit emissions


Oil Drillers, Bitcoin Miners Bond over Natural Gas

2021-05-21 18:37:37| OGI

The miners are increasingly sending these rigs out to oil fields because its one of the cheapest ways to obtain the energy they need.

Tags: natural gas oil bond


In US Shale Bust, Frac Sand Miners Are the New Coal Companies

2020-05-08 11:10:00| OGI

But the shale bust in early March has turned the frac sand mining business into the new coal. As U.S. oil prices plunged, sand suppliers have shut mines, dismissed workers and slashed operations.

Tags: companies sand coal bust


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