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Tag: writedowns

Oil Giants Cut Production, Post Massive Writedowns

2020-08-10 15:07:18| OGI

The worlds five largest oil companies collectively cut the value of their assets by nearly $50 billion in the second quarter and slashed production rates.

Tags: post production cut oil


Chevron Posts $8.3 Billion Q2 Loss on Writedowns, Job Cuts

2020-07-31 14:40:29| OGI

Chevron wrote down its oil and gas production properties by $5.6 billion, including its entire investment in crisis-ravaged Venezuela.

Tags: posts job loss billion


US Shale Industry Faces $300 Billion in Write-downs

2020-06-22 18:00:00| OGI

Impairments expected to be made by U.S. shale companies in the second quarter could trigger insolvencies as the sector accounts for oil price fall, Deloitte says in a new study.

Tags: industry billion faces shale


US Shale Gas Investors Brace For Write-downs Amid Price Plunge

2020-02-12 11:10:00| OGI

EQT, the largest U.S. gas producer, recently said it would take a write-down of as much as $1.8 billion, following CNX Resources, Shell and Chevron in reducing the value of gas properties.

Tags: price gas investors amid


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