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Black intern: 'You just need to give us a chance'

2021-09-06 01:01:01| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Young black university students are being invited to apply for 2,000 internships at top companies.

Tags: us give black chance


Want to intern at 2021 Cattle Industry Convention?

2021-01-07 08:05:00| Beef

Gain experience, network with industry leaders at annual gathering of beef cattle industry.

Tags: industry convention intern cattle


Channeled Resources adds sustainability intern

2020-06-11 17:23:56| Label and Narrow Web Breaking News

Kate Shepherd will help find packaging companies who are landfilling waste and want a sustainable alternative.

Tags: resources adds intern sustainability


Marketing & Design Intern (Community Service Aide II)

2020-02-24 19:21:21| PortlandOnline

The Marketing and Design Intern will help market the Yard Tree Giveaway program, with a focus on reaching East Portland communities.

Tags: service community design ii


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