Tag: manager programme
Programme Manager CMIP International Project Office
2021-07-15 10:13:47| Jobs RSS
Summary Exciting opportunity for an experienced climate professional to join the Telespazio UK team, and support the development and execution of a brand new international project office IPO for the CoupledModel Intercomparison Project CMIP, in a role colocated with ESA Climate Office at ECSAT. Objective This prestigious post will support the CMIPIPO Director and office as a whole in line with the aims and targets set out within their initial 5 year term. The CMIPIPO is expected to be the focal point for leading national and international entities in climate modelling, coordinating independent international teams and projects working toward a common goal. A more prominent role is foreseen for CMIP in bringing models and observations closer together, and aims to Better understand past, present and future climate changes arising from natural and anthropogenic changes Assess model performance in the past and future, including the representation in models Investigate predictability of the climate system on various time and space scales as well as making predictions from observed climate states Make multimodel output publically available in a standardized format Carry out work as directed by the Working Group on Coupled Modelling WGCM CMIPIPO will operate under overall guidance of releveant CMIP governing bodies WGCM, CMIP Panel, WIP, and in close coordination with the WCRP Joing Scientific Committee JSC and HeadWCRP Secretariat. Responsibilities Duties The successful individual will be expected to Facilitate active liaison between the climate observations and modelling communities, with a focus on strengthening the connections, cooperation and coordination between models and observations, organising relevant meetings and conferences Support the organisation of the activities of the CMIP panel and the WIP, being in regular contact with their respective chairs Contribute to CMIP international meetings for instance the WCRP JSCmeetings, strategyimplementation workshops and task teams, events and to partnersponsoring organizations Work closely with WGCM, WIP, CMIPpanel, providing scientific, technical and administrative support Assist the cooperation between CMIP and other relevant international programmes and activities, including contacts and interaction with Climate Services Support coordination, planning, development and implementation of the CMIP experimental design, data archiving and dissemination, and associated observational, reanalysis, forcings, scenarios and modelling efforts Qualifications Experience PhD, or equivalent qualification, in Physics, Earth Sciences or related scientific discipline. Excellent track record in climate science and modelling Expertise in climate science management Essential Skills Demonstrated scientific andor technical experience with CMIP Experience working with international organisations within the climate network Experience working in large international projects and teams Excellent presentation skills Qualities Ability to work autonomously, and prioritise workloads Methodical, and proactive, attitude to solving problems Good English language skills Excellent organisational, and communication, skills.
Tags: international
Galileo Services Programme Manager
2021-06-17 15:13:46| Jobs RSS
Please submit your application by 22072021 1159 Prague time The only means of submitting an application for this vacancy is through the Agency erecruitment portal httpswww.euspa.europa.eueuspacareers ABOUT THE JOB The Agency is looking for a Galileo Services Programme Manager who will be responsible for the management of the EUSPA Galileo Services Team and will contribute to the evolution of the Agency in line with the Financial Framework Partnership Agreement FFPA 20212027 and its values. TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The jobholder will report directly to the Chief Operating Officer and will have in principle the following main tasks and responsibilities Manage the planning and execution of the Galileo Exploitation programme activities in compliance with the Agencys Contribution Agreement with the Commission Specify the needs for Galileo System Evolutions and implement the associated design and development activities for the System in Operations through the Agencys Contribution Agreement with the European Space Agency ESA Ensure the delivery of Galileo services and manage the service provision activities such as Galileo Service Operations GSOP, coordinate the different stakeholders to such service delivery, and guarantee proper interface with the Galileo Security Monitoring Centre Prepare, negotiate and manage the Galileo Service evolution activities Initial and Full Operational Capability Support the implementation of new services with Security and Market development departments, as well as all the sites of the Agency Galileo Service Centre GSC, Galileo Reference Centre GRC and Galileo Security Monitoring Centre GSMC Prepare the Galileo security accreditation milestones in coordination with the Security Department In collaboration with other Programme managers, oversee the Service Engineering and System engineering teams for activities from defying user needs to new services specifications, and user segment standards development Represent the Agency to the Programme reviews with other stakeholderspartners and to workshopsconferences Provide strategic leadership and oversight to Galileo services, providing proactive advice to the management as required in these areas Lead the Galileo Services Department, providing support and guidance to all team members, promoting operational excellence, team work, ownership and responsibility within the team and across the Agency. Finally, as mentioned above and importantly, the description of tasks may evolve together with the evolution of the Agencys missions and organisation. The location for the post of Galileo Services Programme Manager is foreseen to be Prague Czech Republic. Regular to frequent missions are foreseen for this post. APPLICATION PROCEDURE In order to consider your application valid, you are required to log in and submit application through the Agency erecruitment portal httpswww.euspa.europa.eueuspacareers A full job description and further information on the application procedure can be found here httpsvacancies.gsa.europa.euJobsVacancyDetails1544
Tags: services
Ocean Altimetry Programme Manager
2020-12-11 11:12:04| Jobs RSS
EUMETSAT is Europes meteorological satellite agency monitoring the weather and climate from space 24 hours a day, 365 days a year We are currently looking for an experienced Ocean Altimetry Programme Manager to join our international team of young and inspiring engineers and industry professionals, tasked with driving innovation within the Space, Satellite and Earth Observation sector. This role is rooted in EUMETSATs commitment to the European Unions Copernicus Earth observation programme and will provide the opportunity to work with leading IT, Space and Earth Observation organisations and domain experts to make a positive impact on society! BACKGROUND Building on its multimission infrastructure and synergies with its own missions, EUMETSAT is the operator of those Copernicus missions dedicated to ocean altimetry Jason3, Sentinel3, and Sentinel6. Through its Copernicus Mission Development Division CMD, EUMETSAT cooperates with ESA in the design and development of future COPERNICUS Sentinel satellite systems, focusing on systemlevel and ground segment activities. In the ocean altimetry domain, the focus for the next five years will be on the preparation of the launch of the second Sentinel6 satellite involving ESA, CNES, NASA, and NOAA, the preparation of the operational generation of Ocean Topography products based on the acquired future Sentinel CRISTAL mission and the preparation of the next generation Sentinel3 Topography missions for continuing the sea surface height measurements after 2030. For this purpose, the CMD Division includes a distinct project team for altimetry missions. The EUMETSAT activities are mainly funded by the EU Copernicus programme under Cooperation Agreements with the European Commission. Reporting to the Head of the CMD Division, the Programme Manager Altimetry Missions manages all EUMETSAT contributions to Sentinel6, CRISTAL, and Sentinel3 Topography6 NG, and the associated cooperation with ESA. DUTIES The main duty of the Programme Manager Altimetry Missions is to manage the Altimetry Systems team and its activities in the programme Sentinel 6, CRISTAL if confirmed by EC, and the preparation of future Sentinel New Generation NG Altimetry Missions S 3 Topography 6 NG. Prepare for the launch of the recurrent JasonCSSentinel6B satellite 2025, in partnership with ESA, NASA, CNES, and NOAA Follow up with ESA on the storage, destorage, and launch preparations activities and maintain the required competence in the Altimetry team until handover of the satellite B to Operations Coordination with the EUMETSAT Operations and Technical Support departments to ensure the readiness for the launch and operations of the recurrent Sentinel6 B satellite including readiness for handover from LEOP and the postlaunch commissioning activities Close out the development activities and hand over the programme to the Operations Department Contribute to the design of a next generation multiorbit Copernicus altimetry systemmission Sentinel 3 NG Topo plus Sentinel6 NG replacing Sentinel3 and Sentinel6 altimeter missions in the 2030 timeframe, and prepare EUMETSATs contribution to the development phase Manage contributions to phase 0AB activities for a next generation multiorbit Copernicus altimeter systemmission Sentinel 3 NG Topo and Sentinel6 NG, focusing on ground segment and system aspects Complete the preliminary design of the ground segment, and definepropose a EUMETSAT optional programme covering its development Manage EUMETSATs contribution to the processing and data dissemination of the CRISTAL mission pending programmatic decision point in partnership with ESA With the support of the EUMETSAT Operation and TSS departments complete EUMETSATs contribution to the preliminary design phase phase B, focusing on data reception, processing, archiving and dissemination aspects, and plan the transition towards phase CD Establish the internal project breakdown structures and plans for the development phase CD and cooperation and management arrangements with ESA Supervise the contribution of EUMETSAT, focusing on The development and full testing of data processing and data access systems, based on upgrades of existing infrastructure Support to ESA for ground system validation tests with the satellites and commissioning of the EUMETSAT processing Support to Operations preparation Organise reviews and coorganise joint reviews with ESA, and serve as a member of Review Steering Committees Manage the Altimetry Missions team and support services, including internal support by other Departments Provide planning, indicators, assessment of risks and other management information to the Head of Division, for integration and assessment at divisional level Support the implementation of the Contribution Agreement with the European Commission for Copernicus entrusted tasks associated to the above missions Deliver development inputs to EUMETSATs Copernicus reports, work programmes and procurement plans to the EUMETSAT Copernicus Programme Office CPO and support the CPO in reporting and management interactions with the Commission and ESA Prepare documents and make presentations at meetings of stakeholders, including meetings of the EUMETSAT Council and advisory bodies and of the Copernicus governance. SALARY AND BENEFITS Excellent salary, of up to Euro 6,500 NET after tax based on skills and experience Flexible working time including additional flexileave Full medical coverage for employee and family Attractive pension 30 days of annual leave 14.5 days public holidays Training and development support Relocation allowance and support if applicable. SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE In depth knowledge and practice of engineering, development, integration and testing of space systems, based on relevant standards Successful experience of planning and management of development projects for Earth observation satellite systems under schedule, quality and cost constraints, preferably including system and ground segment developments Extensive people management experience, including proven ability to lead and motivate teams in challenging situations Proven ability to analyse, synthesise and communicate complex issues, verbally and in writing Strong interpersonal, influencing and communications skills with internal and external stakeholders. QUALIFICATIONS University degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline eg Physics, Remote Sensing or Electrical Engineering More about us EUMETSATs role is to establish and operate meteorological satellites to monitor the weather and climate from space 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This information is supplied to the National Meteorological Services of the organisations Member and Cooperating States in Europe, as well as other users worldwide. EUMETSAT also operates several Copernicus missions on behalf of the European Union and provide data services to the Copernicus marine and atmospheric services and their users. As an intergovernmental European Organisation, EUMETSAT can recruit nationals only from the 30 Member States Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
Tags: manager
programme manager
Programme Manager mfd
2020-08-04 13:11:41| Jobs RSS
SSC Space UK is a fully owned subsidiary of Swedish Space Corporation. It is based in Oxfordshire UK within the science park in Harwell. The organisation is growing rapidly and has several exciting opportunities for people looking to extend their careers in the space industry. This is a role for a technical person aiming to gain operational experience in supporting and managing space programmes with complex requirements. The role covers a wide range of space technologies that include spacecraft subsystems engineering, good understanding of missions and platforms design, space applications and service and is complemented by an attractive salary and good benefits package. Location Oxfordshire UK The specific responsibilities include Planning and designing programmes and proactively monitoring progress, resolving issues and initiating appropriate corrective action. Facilitating the programmes governance arrangements. Ensuring effective quality assurance and the overall integrity of the programme focusing inwardly on the internal consistency of the programme, and outwardly on its coherence with infrastructure planning, interfaces with other programmes and corporate, technical and specialist standards. Managing the programmes budget, monitoring expenditure and costs against delivered and realised benefits as the programme progresses facilitating the allocation of resources. Ensuring the delivery of new products or services from projects is to the appropriate level of quality, on time and within budget, in accordance with the programme plan and programme governance arrangements. Managing partners, subcontracts, consultants and all thirdparty contributions to the programme. Managing communications with all stakeholders. Managing risks to the programmes successful outcome. Initiating extra activities and other management interventions wherever gaps in the programme are identified or issues arise. Reporting the progress of the programme at regular intervals to internal management. Maintaining all aspects of programme interfacing with customers, partners and stakeholders. Facilitating estimation of costs and timescales for new projectsprogrammes. Supporting bid management activities for new business. Preparing and authorising project and technical reports as necessary. Interface with other internal and external teams. Essential Skills and experience University Degree in Engineering andor Technical Sciences Two to three years experience in a similar role. Good general knowledge of spacecraft systems. Solid understanding of test procedures, equipment and tools background. Good spacecraft systems knowledge on a subsystem level. Familiarity with operational environments. Fluent in English, both in speech and writing. Systemminded and a teamplayer. Proactive and confident personality with good persuasive skills. Selfstarter, able to work independently with little or no supervision. Ability to differentiate requirements of lowcost and highquality programmes. Good interpersonal, organisation and communication skills, with the ability to work in a diverse and interdisciplinary team environment. Good organisation and time management skills. Eligibility for UK security clearance. Desirable skills Experience in working with space tailored COTS components and equipment. Experience with Office Tools and Web site management. Comfortable in leading multidisciplinary and multicultural teams. Experience in working in a dynamic engineering environment with very tight schedules. Ability to relate contractual commitments vs project needs with ultimate aim to successfully deliver the project needs within the contractual scope of work. Please applx only online
Tags: manager
programme manager
GOVSATCOM Programme Manager
2020-06-16 11:12:36| Jobs RSS
GSA AND OPERATIONS The European GNSS Agency GSA is responsible for the operations and service provision for the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems GNSS EGNOS and Galileo. By developing a new generation of GNSS, Europe is laying the foundation for new hightechnology industry development, leading to job creation and economic growth. These European flagship space programmes, which embody what can be achieved when Europe works together, are already bringing real benefits to people and business in Europe and around the world. The European GNSS infrastructure includes approximately worldwide 30 sites for Galileo and 50 sites for EGNOS. With the introduction of the new Space Regulation, expected to enter into force in 2021, it is planned to expand the Agencys scope of activities beyond Galileo and EGNOS, to other components, such as Copernicus for Earth Observation, GOVSATCOM for Governmental Space Communications and Space Situational Awareness SSA. TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The GOVSATCOM Programme Manager will manage the planning, budget and execution of GOVSATCOM related activities in compliance with the GOVSATCOM Preparatory Actions Contribution Agreement signed with the European Commission and ensuring the associated interface with European Commission representatives. The GOVSATCOM Programme Manager will have the following main tasks and responsibilities Coordinate the implementation of grant agreement with the European Commission and the procurement of GOVSATCOM hubs, including supervising the development of such infrastructure Establish a Network of Users for governmental Satellite Communications, with the aim to achieve a reliable collaboration and coordination between them to agree on common user needs and requirements Participate in the preparation of service implementation concept, the definition of service policies e.g. security, pricing etc. and service level targets Support the Commission for the establishment of Implementing Acts Manage the service engineering activities derived from the Service portfolio Contribute to the definition of the GOVSATCOM Infrastructure engineering requirements, security monitoring concept etc. and coordinate the operations of the GOVSATCOM infrastructure Implement the service level targets agreed by the European Commission with the Member States as providers of relevant satellite communication capacity and services Contribute to the preparation and engineering of Concept of Operations Manage the activities related to the declaration of service and the GSA contributions to GOVSATCOM expert groups, Technical Task Force and Security Task Force Support the buildup and coordination of a network of GOVSATCOM users, the definition of the future GOVSATCOM user segment technology requirements and the definition of the Security Requirements. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS The selection procedure is open to applicants who satisfy the following eligibility criteria, on the closing date for application A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal period of university education is four years or more OR A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and at least one year of appropriate professional experience when the normal period of university education is three years In addition to the above, appropriate professional experience of at least nine years after obtaining the required diploma Be a national of a Member State of the European Union Be entitled to his or her full rights as citizen Have fulfilled any obligations imposed by the applicable laws concerning military service Meet the character requirements for the duties involved Have a thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge of another language of the European Union to the extent necessary for the performance of hisher duties Be physically fit to perform the duties linked to the post. Application procedure In order to consider your application valid, you are required to log in and submit application through the GSA erecruitment portal httpswww.gsa.europa.eugsajobsopportunities A full job description and further information on the application procedure can be found here
Tags: manager
programme manager
manager programme
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