Tag: remote controlled
Remote controlled ERJO-chipper in action
2021-02-04 08:48:54| Industry Product and Service Suppliers | Latest Listings
It�s time to have look at a machine again. This time it�s a chipper, a ERJO 12/90 chipper that is quite common, in Sweden anyway. The special thing about this one is that it�s controlled from another base unit, in this case a forwarder that is equipped with a chip-bin. Remote controlled ERJO-chipper The […] The post Remote controlled ERJO-chipper in action appeared first on
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remote controlled
Remote controlled forest machines utopia or the future?
2020-08-17 13:29:50| Industry Product and Service Suppliers | Latest Listings
Remote controlled forest machines are nothing new. The harvester system The Beast and the Courier, invented by Christer Lennartsson who we wrote about�a while ago, was shown at the Elmia show in 2005. Then, it had already been underway for a couple of years. That concept never broke through. Is now the time for that […] The post Remote controlled forest machines utopia or the future? appeared first on
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