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Surge Energy Longtime COO Phil Webb to Retire

2021-09-22 18:05:00| OGI

Following the retirement of Phil Webb, a portion of the COO responsibilities at Surge Energy will be handled by Vice President of Development Chris Alonzo, Vice President of Operations Joe Fleming and Chief Geologist CJ Liu.

Tags: energy phil webb surge


Marketed: Austin Chalk Opportunity, Webb County, Texas

2021-08-31 21:10:00| OGI

Conquistador et al retained EnergyNet for the sale of an Austin Chalk opportunity�in Webb County, Texas, through a sealed-bid offering closing Sept. 9.

Tags: county opportunity texas austin


Marketed: Eagle Ford Acreage In Karnes And Webb Counties, Texas

2020-01-24 23:00:00| OGI

DSD Energy Partners engaged Energy Advisors Group Inc. to market prospective�acreage located in Karnes and Webb counties, Texas, in the Eagle Ford Shale.

Tags: texas ford eagle counties


Airbnbs $30 Billion Listing Must Do More for Cities: Alex Webb

2020-01-21 17:05:00| National Real Estate Investor

The rise of the sharing economy means the prices of vacation rentals and apartment rents are linked more than ever.

Tags: listing cities alex billion


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