Tag: big
US Senate Democrats Target Big Oil for Carbon Polluters Fund
2021-08-04 22:35:00| OGI
An estimated 25 to 30 of the biggest U.S.-based polluters would be required to contribute to the fund over 10 years, according to Senator Chris Van Hollen who�did not identify individual companies that could be targeted
Beautycounter Rolls Out Carbon-Black-Free Think Big All-In-One Mascara
2021-08-03 19:04:55| Happi Breaking News
Clean formulation features conditioning tripeptide technology.
Tags: big
Small changes, big impact: How to be innovative in your workplace
2021-08-02 19:14:44| The Webmail Blog
Small changes, big impact: How to be innovative in your workplace nellmarie.colman Mon, 08/02/2021 - 12:14 � To stay ahead, your organization must be continually improving. You need to find creative ways to operate better, faster and more efficiently while also exploring radical new ideas that can shake up your industry. But this kind of innovation must extend far beyond your C-level executives and R&D teams. It requires an all-hands-on-deck effort. Every employee must be an active innovator. Employees can feel intimidated by the call to innovate, but you can help them see that small changes can make a big impact. Youre not asking them to invent the next big thing, although theres certainly a place for that. Youre asking them to be curious to look around for things that can be done better and then act on it. � Three steps to being an innovative employee You dont have to be a genius to be innovative. You just need to find a problem and work toward a solution. Here are steps you and your team can follow, as well as the ways these steps have played out in our team here at Rackspace Technology. � Step 1. Identify a problem Just because something has always been done a certain way, doesnt mean it is the best way. Start by examining your day-to-day operations. Whats working well and what isnt? How can it be improved? New employees can be a great asset at this stage, since they can provide a fresh perspective and new ideas. You can also follow a process all the way to the end user and ask if theyre getting the output or experience theyre looking for. �� On our team, we recently identified a manual, redundant process that could use improvement. The existing process involved receiving information from three different teams, each using their own delivery format: one team would submit an Excel spreadsheet, another a Visio chart and another a PDF. This meant someone would then need to manually process this information and enter it into another system, so it could move to the next step in the process. Wed just accepted this as the way weve always done it, until we recognized it for what it really was: an opportunity for innovation. � Step 2. Reach out across teams Innovation cannot happen in a silo. Its vital that you reach out to all of the people impacted and work together to brainstorm solutions. This step will help uncover the why behind the current process, as well as any roadblocks you may need to address. By getting a wide range of stakeholders involved (you may want to get a C-level sponsor, too!), you can build consensus and buy-in for your initiative which is key if you want people to adopt your innovation. Leave people out, and youve got an uphill climb when it comes to convincing them to use what youve built. For us, this meant identifying who was involved in each step of the existing process and working constantly to build alignment. In most cases, these were people who had never interacted before so we focused on being transparent and listening to everyones perspectives. Whats been amazing is seeing how, even after we wrapped up this particular innovation initiative, these teams have continued to interact and collaborate. If we had gone on our own and implemented a solution within our silo, we would have missed out on building bridges and relationships that were never there before. Cross-team collaboration is the special sauce! � 3. Make and implement the plan Once everyone has agreed on a goal and identified any restrictions or requirements, its time to design and implement your plan. But keep it simple and flexible. For our project, this meant first consolidating all of the input fields from the spreadsheets, Visio charts and PDFs into a single spreadsheet. We then created scripts that will take that spreadsheet data and automatically generate the files and templates we need. Lastly, since the spreadsheet has been a pain point for our end users, we created a user interface, so they dont need to interact with Excel on the front end. As a result of this new streamlined workflow, weve been able to: Take a process that used to take 5-10 days and reduce it down to a day or less Improve accuracy, with a 60% reduction in re-work Free our engineers from multiple tedious tasks, so they can focus on fine-tuning Create a standard, consistent, repeatable process that ultimately helps us be as flexible as we need to be Once you have your new solution up and running, be sure to let others know who may be able to benefit. We reached out to a team that was preparing to create a new product, and they were facing the same problems we had. We were able to support them early on and create alignment, so they could benefit from our work. � Taking innovation seriously: Innovation Thursdays Our leaders at Rackspace Technology believe in the importance of grassroots-level innovation. So they dedicate one Thursday each month, called Innovation Thursdays, for employees to focus on their innovation projects. Were encouraged to clear our schedules, so we can have uninterrupted time to be creative. In preparation for Junes Innovation Thursday, our group put together a global team for a 15-hour hackathon. We used that time to create the user interface for our project, working in sprints throughout the day. At the end of 15 hours, we all came back together to see the demo, walking through the interface wed worked together to create. We wrapped up the day with an awards ceremony some serious and some goofy. � The best part of this experience was that even though each person has their own areas of expertise in this moment, we were all just figuring it out together. We got to look at each other in a different way, without looking to one person for all the answers. We collaborated together to figure it all out. And in the end, wed worked together to not only innovate and solve a problem, but we created a better product and better alignment for the business. � Encourage innovation in your organization You can create an innovation program that encourages your employees to be innovative, and also supports them with training and idea intake processes, recognizes innovation successes and enables leadership support for innovation initiatives. Hear directly from our RackLabs Innovation Program Team in their recent article, The four pillars of a successful corporate innovation program. � Small changes, big impact: How to be innovative in your workplaceInnovation can be scary for employees, thinking youre asking them to invent the next big thing. You can break the fear by showing them that its really about looking around for small things that can be done better and then acting on it. Engage your workforce.
Big Oil Back to Boom after Pandemic Bust, Aiding Climate Push
2021-07-29 15:41:30| OGI
Europe's top energy companies signaled confidence in a lasting recovery from the�pandemic�impact on July 29 by drawing on higher�oil�prices to boost shareholder returns and reassure investors as they roll out risky�climate�strategies.
Ingnieur Big Data jeune diplm FH
2021-07-23 12:12:28| Jobs RSS
La mission de CS GROUP tre la pointe des technologies pour garantir la scurit de tous dans un monde en pleine mutation. Lexpertise reconnue du groupe lui permet dintervenir l o les enjeux de scurit sont les plus sensibles aronautique, dfense, nergie, spatial Et, aussi, l o les rponses sont inventer ou rinventer lutte antidrones, cyberscurit, traitement de donnes satellitaires Vous souhaitez voluer dans une entreprise dimension humaine qui encourage linnovation, la curiosit et la prise de responsabilits ? Un groupe qui cultive la diversit de ces mtiers, issus de lunivers IT mais aussi du monde scientifique et qui investit prs de 15 de son CA en RD ? Rejoigneznous et additionnons nos talents ! PRT POUR EMBARQUER DANS LE MONDE DU NUMERIQUE APPLIQU AU SPATIAL ? DESTINATION LA TERRE ET SES NUAGES ! Explorez un nouvel univers dopportunits grce notre programme unique CS BOOST. Nous avons conu ce programme pour des candidats, dbutants ou avec une premire exprience, motivs et ambitieux, comme vous. Nous vous offrons un environnement stimulant vous permettant dapprendre naviguer dans les technologies modernes du cloud. Vous y dvelopperez les nouveaux systmes oprationnels au sol des futurs vhicules spatiaux en charge de la sant de notre plante ou de lexploration de notre univers. CS BOOST, cest un cadre structur de formations issues de notre programme de la CS ACADEMY, des projets concrets, un feedback continu et laccompagnement par vos collgues, qui vous ouvre les portes vers les carrires dexperts ou darchitectes du numrique. Nous recrutons la CS BOOST Promotion 2021 ! Cette premire promotion CS BOOST sera consacre aux technologies DevOps Big Data Cloud Vous bnficierez dune formation cre spcifiquement pour rpondre votre projet professionnel fruit dune collaboration avec un organisme de formation externe, elle rpond aux besoins de nos projets qui sappuient sur ces technologies de ltat de lart. Le programme dbutera en septembre 2021. Vous intgrerez CS GROUP en CDI, et suivrez votre arrive une formation de plusieurs mois alternant thorie et pratique. Vous rejoindrez les quipes de la business unit Espace et rejoindrez des quipes projets et centres de comptences expertes dans les technologies. En intgrant les technologies open source du cloud, vous interviendrez sur les projets de CS GROUP, tels que notre nouvelle solution de Data Intelligence et de fusion de donnes spatiales et autres nos outils de go information les chanes de traitements de donnes spatiales, dveloppes pour le compte de nos clients les systmes de surveillance spatiale que nous mettons en place dans le cadre de la dfense spatiale. Lenvironnement technique que nous vous proposons de dcouvrir DevOps Docker, Kubernetes, Gitlab CI, Keycloak, Kong... Big Data Spring Cloud Data Flow, Apache Alluxio, Trino ou Presto, Apache Ranger... Cloud OpenStack, AWS, GCP, Azure, Ansible, Ceph, Golang... Nous recherchons nos architectes et experts de demain ! Vous venez dtre diplm ou allez ltre prochainement ? Ou vous avez dj une premire exprience dans le monde du dveloppement ? Vous tes passionn par les technologies lies au DevOps, au Cloud ou au Big Data ? Curieux den apprendre plus ? Vous avez dj dvelopp des projets professionnels ou personnels en utilisant les technologies Cloud Docker Kubernetes ? Ces technologies vous intriguent, attisent votre curiosit, quelles fassent partie de votre domaine dexpertise ou non, cette exprience est faite pour vous ! Qui sommesnous ? Notre business unit Espace, fort de ses 430 collaborateurs et de leur expertise IT et mtiers mcanique spatiale, segment sol image, logiciel embarqu satellites, fournit des systmes cls en main et des services dingnierie pour les agences spatiales et de dfense, les matres duvre et oprateurs de satellites, et les acteurs des applications spatiales. Pourquoi choisir CS GROUP ? Pour notre filire Expert qui valorise vos comptences techniques, notre engagement dans linnovation avec un budget RD de 30 millions deurosan, nos engagements socitaux et environnementaux index dgalit professionnelle 86100, partenaire de lassociation Elles bougent, membre de la plante Tech Care etc. Et bien sr la possibilit de tltravailler, un programme de cooptation, la complmentaire sant, les RTT, le CE. La suite des vnements Si votre profil correspond, vous aurez un entretien technique avec un de nos Responsables oprationnels. Puis, vous rencontrerez Magali ou Marion lors dun entretien RH. Et nous nous engageons vous faire un retour par tlphone
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